May 17, 2004 15:32
*tear* im soooo sick :(this blows
lori..i HATE YOU!! you suck man, i' m so jealous :-P but ur beach party sounds awesome!!!!! i love you!! haha i just said i hated you .. im gay, we're gonna have to fix these 'problems' we have..hehe
today was FUCKIN GAY -- isn't your private life supposed to be PRIVATE as in ppl shouldn't go tellin the whole damn world about it when its not there place?? ya...
i got to talk to jesse last night!! that was awesome, she's comin home in two weeks!!! wahooooooooooooo party every night ;) right jesse??
haha -- everyone should be proud of me and sarah for pulling it off in front of her parents the other night :-P we rock...
YAY KRISTIN ~> 6th out of 37!!! at stotes....thats my giiiiiiiirl
everyone better come the the chorus concert next wednesday!! 7:00!! i'll come after you if you're not there..don't think i won't. its the last concert of the year and all the senior's last ever at woodson.....AND i'm singing and playing the piano so you HAVE TO GO....its gonna be so sad :(
" 'I love you' can't just be thrown around, it has meaning and when you use it all the time to everyone, it loses its meaning" ---Mike Anderson <>haha ( hope i didnt reveal ur sensitive side :-P--sorry you dont scare me )