Help Desperately Needed

Aug 23, 2008 11:33

Hey guys! 
wow, I haven't been on for so long it's not even funny.
Ok, so I desperately need your help. My bitch of a mother deleted my user account from the computer without letting me save anything, so I was REALLY hoping you could help me. I would be forever grateful if you could send me the links for the LAST or LATEST chapters of the following Frerard fics. (ones with an * beside them are the ones I would like the most)

The Doll Shop *
It Was Only a Kiss *
Boot Camp *
Dorm-olition Lovers
Makeout Kids *
Wither *
Teenage Stupidity *
A Little Thing Called Murder
This Is Living *
This Is The Best Day Ever *
Hero *
The Cellar Dweller *
Six Secrets
The Days of Dragons and Dresses *
You Be the Anchor That Keeps My Feet on the Ground *
I Love You...Almost As Much As I Hate You
Broken *
Years Arc *

Ok, I can't remember what this one is called, but the basic outline is something like this: Gerard loves Frank, but Frank is with Jamia. Gerard begs him to stay just one night with him and Frank complies. After, when they are in bed, Gerard tells Frank he loves him, and Frank says not to say that (or something like that). Then, when he thinks Gerard is alseep he gets ready to leave, but before he does he tells Gerard that he feels the same but that they could never be together. Gerard was awake though, and hears everything. It was the most heartbreaking oneshot I have ever read, and if you recognize the summary and could possibly send me the link to it, I will love you forever.

Thanks so much =)

xox Helena
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