Jun 22, 2004 21:42
so we said our goodbyes to my nana today. it was crazy because the beginning of the day was all rainy and stuff (kinda like in england) and then it turned sunny the rest of the day. we all went to the mall (my dad, me, kerry, jason, and jenny) and had fun. i got my hair cut earlier today. it's real cute. i have noticed that when something big in my life happens i seem to go and cut my hair. like when i came home from florida in january... i cut and dyed my hair, when i came home from the keys in 02 i cut my hair, and when josh and i split in 02 i cut it again. it's crazy. maybe i feel it's a new beginning for me, or it's one last thing i have to worry about. it is just weird because she isn't here anymore. last night i got some weird phone calls from some people i really didn't want to talk to (family and a few others). in total i talked to about 10 people that i didn't want to speak to at the moment. one thing though is that kerry has tried to make me laugh through this tough time and i appreciate that. he doesn't have a livejournal so i can brag on him. ;) jess has been very sympathetic too. thanks gurl! she got a 93% on her final! YOU GO GURL! i'm glad i have such awesome friends. so i got my cell phone number changed today. yay!!!! only a select few get this one. anyway, my boo called me so i gots to go. peace.