Mar 30, 2006 22:16
Ok. I really hate going to the dentist. I have like this whole issue with drilling and so forth. (But I ♥ loved when Kane played Dr.Issac Yankkam. I know I spelled that wrong. >_<.).
My grandma is trying to bribe me to go there by saying she'll get me WrestleMania. She was going to get it for me before hand but no she's saying if I don't go I no longer am getting it. I said there was no way I'm going, now I can't see Undertaker's "last match". As I've heard.
Then she has the nerve to say "What a great role model he is if he's trying to get people to not go to the dentist." Just NO. Undertaker has great teeth I'm sure he goes alot. Not once have I seen the man come out and say "Kids don't go to the dentist." He doesn't have time for that.
Ugh, she is just really pissing me off with saying everything is Undertaker's fault. She doesn't even know him. He's a nice guy in person, and I don't do certain things 'because of him'. Then she goes on saying how un-mature I am, and I of course learned it 'from him'. X_X.