Title: Tynghedau
lookninjas and
enkanowenCharacter/Pairing(s): Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Rhys, OFC, OMC, Rhiannon Davies, Bilis Manger.
Rating: 12
Word Count: 38000
Warnings: Some smut and violence
Disclaimer: Torchwood doesn't belong to me, I've just borrowed it for fun.
Author's Note(s): Many thanks to
lookninjas and
torn_eledhwen for looking at the first version and to
lookninjas for her work on the second draft. The lovely cover is provided by
enkanowen Summary: Tosh and Owen are dead and the rest of the team must rebuild, a process that begins with a day trip to Swansea. As the team encounter fresh challenges, old enemies and familiar faces a terrible danger draws closer. With almost everyone keeping secrets and trust in short supply, will Torchwood be able to save the day, and who will survive?
Link to Fic:
Chapter One,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Two continued,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,
Chapter Five,
Chapter Six,
Chapter Six continued,
Chapter Seven,
Chapter Seven continued.
Link to Art: