May 02, 2004 13:24
this weekend was pretty exciting...
friday i hung out with kelly and we had our usual fun
saturday i went to pam's birthday party, which actually turned out to be ok because steph c was there...we walked all the way to nick's house just to find out he wasnt there (it took us an hour there and back...and we ran half the way)...i stepped on a toad and it hopped away
Who is the:
-loudest: im probably the loudest, but im doing better...cara can be loud, but in a good way
-funniest: jeremy h
-best dresser: cara...oh and steph c
-best singer: hmm...amanda has a good voice, when she actually sings
-best instramentalist: cody
-best dancer: kelly's pee wee herman impression is the best dance, taressa's a good danser to "normal" music
-Most nosey: dont know
-Most talkative: taressa and chris k
-person who eats the most: oh definately me and kelly anytime anywhere
-smallest: kelly
-tall est: nick, will, and chris p are pretty damn tall
-sexiest: amanda
-Most likely to succeed: pam
-Most likely to be seen on america's most wanted: will and austin
-weirdest: what is weird? really?
-Most likely to bungee jump: im sure they all would
-Most likely to get married 1st: who knows, who cares
-Mo st likely to be president: pam
-Most likely to find the cure for cancer: lol again pam
-Most likely to live in Europe: cara maybe (if shes into european shoes)
-Most likely to be a Rock Star: ha joe w
-Shy: no one
-Patient: chris k
comment some good things and some bad things about me