And here is *another* drabble series. *bows head in shame* I've actually FINISHED this one though. And it goes together, as in one relates to the next and there is continuity. This one is for the LJ community
10_hurt_comfortwho are amazingly nifty. Below is the table that I am required to link to, so I will do that for the purposes of the community instead of posting them individually here. I'm going to spread out the posting on so they'll all be up eventually.
`Title: Mistakes
Fandom: TSCC
Rating: M
Warning: Language, violence, some suggestiveness and adult themes. (No blatant sex though, for once on an M-rated story of mine. )
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: John/Allison
Spoilers: Somewhat for season 2
Summary: In war you make sacrifices and you always save yourself, no matter who or what will be destroyed in the process.
A/N - Not compliant with the season 2 finale.
War.Need.Distress.Burned.Loss.Save Me.Desperation.Betrayed.Lonely.Regret.2/10