It's a nice day

Sep 20, 2007 19:05

I watched Prison Break last night.

Oh my god, this is soooooo great! Don't you think this is totally GREAT ?

I was affraid to see a poor crappy season 3, I confess! This is different, but so great! (I know I often say great ! )
Aaaaaaw I was SO happy to see Michael, Linc', and Mahone! Even T-Bag! In fact, I like T-Bag but he seems like a ...Ass XD

Whatever, welcome back T !

I hope Sara will be back soon ! Oh, and I just LOVE this flash-back scene! This is so cute! 
And I love the other cute scene between Mahone and Michael! (I don't wanna spoil , sorry if I spoiled someone in here ! )

Ahhhhh I have to go ! But I'll be back! Hahahahahhahaahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Have a good evening !!!!!!!
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