May 25, 2007 22:14
My hot water system got some kind of leak in it...... I came home to water flowing down my staircase..
My kitchen cabinets are completely FUCKED. My dining table is ruined. My couch has these little wooden legs that keep it above the floor... which may or may not rot.
Thank FUCK the water didn't make it to my TV/DVD/Stereo.. There would have been much sizzling going on had that happened. I don't think it has damaged my computer however the carpet man said that the carpet in that area was a bit damp.
There are big industrial fans trying to dry my carpet out right now... I'm staying at my mom's for the weekend. I'm not looking forward to the potential odour.
What the fuck is it with me and water? In the last placed I lived at the tap exploded in the middle of the night and I couldn't find the water mains to turn it off. The plumber I called at 3am said there was nothing he could do without turning off the water... I called the councils emergency line and it was engaged constantly for the 2hours I desperately tried to call them for... eventually I gave up and waited until business hours.
Now this.
I am truly cursed when it comes to plumbing.