Yay sentences AGAIN

Sep 24, 2007 00:59

50 sentences from 1character, featuring Ky Kiske, Hei, Yin, Saitou Hajime (RK-verse), Fuyumine Naoto, Mugen, Kougaiji, Teresa and Yukina from the very epic AU RP.


#01 - Fair Play
"All's fair in love and war," Kougaiji murmured, pulling Yukina onto his lap; "But war's had its fun, so I say we give love a turn."

#02 - Bones
"This castle itself is just a skeleton," Saitou remarked, "just as cold and lifeless as its inhabitants; truly, what exists to save?"

#03 - Desire
Both females were attractive, but there was something in the fierce flash of Naoto's eyes and Teresa's swift and graceful movements that made Mugen even more appreciative of this fact when they were fighting.

#04 - Flower
Yukina had lamented the fact that there wasn't a single flower to be found in the castle and Kougaiji could only smile and think to himself that there was one standing right in front of him.

#05 - Hat Box
"So even demons wear hats," Mugen commented, modeling what he'd just pulled from a box in Gyokumen Koushu's wardrobe; Naoto took one look at him, shook her head, and replied, "That's not a hat, that's the stuff of nightmares."

#06 - Jump
"The next time you decide to jump into the fray, you could at least look first!" Naoto snapped, trying to push a dazed Ky off of her.

#07 - Mother
Nine people had assembled in front of the woman trapped in stone; six were badly confused, two knew her identity, and one heard her soft pleading... and together, they set off to save her.

#08 - Father
"You truly are my son," Yin dutifully repeated the words of the creature Kougaiji was trying so desperately to destroy, and the prince's hands balled into tight, shaking fists.

#09 - Saliva
"I'd say he was drooling over his food," Mugen said, staring as Li began his fifth helping, "but he opens and closes his mouth so fast I can't see a damned thing!"

#10 - Kaleidoscope
Teresa was a kaleidoscope when she moved, parts of her coming into focus with each turn and flashing shades and hues of silver, gold, and crimson as she cut through her opponents with ease.

#11 - Primary Colors
The soft color of her hair, the warmth of her eyes, the bright glow that made her seem as frigid and isolated as the element she represented: blue, red, yellow... all primary and all Yukina.

#12 - Ideal
"In an ideal world, we'd kill the empress and view the art gallery, then break for lunch," Naoto told Kougaiji dryly; "At least tell me you have a wine cellar so all hope isn't lost."

#13 - Challenge
"I would call this a challenge," Saitou said, lighting his cigarette, "but that would be implying that such an endeavor is worth my time and so far I have yet to be showed such."

#14 - Scar
The scar on her chest throbbed painfully as the scent, color, feel and taste of blood threatened to overwhelm her senses; then Saitou made some dry comment about her wavering, Teresa slipped quietly to her side, Mugen's hand landed on her head while Ky's rested on her back, and Naoto found her strength in theirs and banished the pain.

#15 - Face
Yin's expression hadn't changed when the backlash from the attack on the machinery hit her; but Hei didn't need to try to decipher the blankness on her face to know damage had been done.

#16 - Unzipped
With each surge of electricity, each glance to Yin, Hei felt a layer of secrecy being stripped away from him, revealing to the others just what he was; he only hoped they wouldn't remember it when they were returned to the island.

#17 - Comfort
Neither Yin nor Yukina said a word, but their fingers laced together and that was all the comfort either one needed.

#18 - Homeland
It was the place where he had been born and raised... and it was time to make that place feel like home again, after too many years of being a prisoner in it.

#19 - Window
"So was it as good for you as it was for me?" Mugen couldn't resist teasing Naoto once they had finished slaying the latest batch of youkai; she pointed to a nearby window and said flatly, "Don't make me throw you out of that."

#20 - Try
"Why try?" Teresa shrugged, adding, "You do or you don't, it's just that simple."

#21 - Black Cloud
With all of the electricity being generated by Blondie and the Li guy, Mugen wondered when black clouds would start to form over their heads and if they'd eventually call down rain.

#22 - Call
Yin heard the last call of the dying king but this time, no one responded.

#23 - Design
"Who designed this thing, anyway?" Mugen huffed as they hit the fifth set of stairs, "Bet he was a master at torture, too, right?"

#24 - Concentrate
Yukina closed her eyes and focused; it was still so strange to her that she could sense the presence of other youkai again after five years of being sealed in that room... and it was even stranger that the youkai she was concentrating on sensing were all enemies.

#25 - Bite
"What a shame," Naoto said lightly, once she discovered cold water no longer changed her form; "I'll miss being able to bite people and get away with it."

#26 - Power
Their abilities and skills might have entirely different, but there was no denying that when the nine of them worked together, there was no power that could stop them.

#27 - Fingers
Yukina's fingers were colder than usual when Kougaiji took her hand, and so tiny-- but then she gave his hand a squeeze and he'd never felt more strength from her.

#28 - Damage
The damage would be repaired, but the ones who had caused it weren't likely to be forgotten anytime soon.

#29 - Glue
"Glue, Li-san? Why would you--" Yukina stopped as Hei showed her the cracked mask and mumbled an explanation along the lines of "I accidentally sat on it."

#30 - Natural
Teresa's speed, strength and overall fighting abilities were indeed impressive, and her fellow fighters might have felt a twinge of envy at just how natural she made all of that seem.

#31 - Respite
They'd taken a brief respite in the storage rooms-- long enough for observations, plans, and then a general "To hell with it" agreement before they headed off again.

#32 - Disaster
"It's nice to be the cause of a disaster for once, instead of being caught up in one," Naoto muttered to herself, grinning wryly.

#33 - Accuse
Ky was too polite to accuse Mugen directly, but he had the feeling that the jostling the man had given him hadn't really been all that accidental.

#34 - Morning
Morning found Saitou smoking outside, Mugen flirting with Yaone, Yin and Hei at the breakfast table, Ky praying in an empty room, Naoto and Teresa sparring with Dokugakuji, and Yukina and Kougaiji still asleep in each other's arms, prolonging another busy day for just a little longer.

#35 - Haunted
"With my luck, this'll haunt my dreams for weeks," Naoto grumbled, kicking a youkai down the stairs; "Or it could be the other way around if you've left any of 'em alive and kicking," Mugen joked.

#36 - Wrong
A prince, an Ice Maiden, a Doll, a Contractor, a scruffy samurai, a Wolf of Mibu, a police officer, a blade maiden and a Claymore: it seemed like the wrong group to take over a castle and yet Kougaiji couldn't have found a better bunch if he'd picked them himself.

#37 - Note
Kougaiji made a note to explain to Yaone just why there were so many puddles of water scattered all over the castle and why "that quiet young girl" could often be found standing barefoot in one of them.

#38 - Go
"Kiske," Saitou interrupted, as Ky mumbled under his breath about planning and organization, "You are more than welcome to take your time in being foolish and indecisive, but the rest of us will be going now... feel free to join us when your mind has caught up with your mouth."

#39 - Upside Down
Going down the stairs was one thing, but Mugen had to take it one step further and go UPSIDE down; both Kougaiji and Naoto winced when his head hit the wall first.

#40 - Keep Out
The sign on the laboratory firmly stated "Keep Out"; all of them ignored it and Mugen give it a single-fingered salute before they continued onward.

#41 - Sides
"It's nothing like siding with humans or demons," Naoto said with a shrug as she parried a strike from the youkai attacking her and ran him through; "It's just that we don't like roadblocks keeping us from going forward."

#42 - Separation
Ky knew that sometimes it was necessary for the group to split up, but he remained concerned for the other party-- until he hurried towards them and saw Naoto, Mugen, Teresa and Saitou, whole in mind and body and up to their ankles in dead guards.

#43 - Trail
"I suppose we're leaving a trail for them," Teresa mused, as they left another dead body behind; Saitou snorted, only responding with, "You assume there are others still alive to pursue us?"

#44 - Liar
"I only kissed him to shut him up!" Naoto insisted-- and got a pat on the head from Mugen, who was still chuckling when he told her, "You're so damned cute when you try to lie."

#45 - Hour
Hei checked his watch long after the fighting had begun and realized with a start that getting to this point where Gyumaoh had just been destroyed had only taken an hour.

#46 - Easy
It was a grim situation, to be sure-- but even Saitou was smirking when Teresa easily tossed a stunned Ky over her shoulder and followed the rest of the group, much to the blond's dismay.

#47 - Tie
They'd both felt a sense of completion once Ky had neatly tied off the bandage wrapped around Naoto's arm, the two of them exchanging weary smiles and little else; it was more than enough.

#48 - Sense
Yin didn't have to see her companions to know how they were feeling, although she did wonder what in the world had happened to make Ky's body temperature rise so rapidly.

#49 - Education
Yukina might have been the more suitable candidate to teach Mugen how to read, but no one could deny that Saitou certainly knew how to make a lesson stick; they knew it had been a success when he collapsed at the table and said happily, "He filled an entire paper with insults about me and I read them all and called him a bastard with a tree up his ass!"

#50 - Change
It was a change for all of them to learn they were now stuck in another world with no idea when they would be returned... but they had changed as well and knew they were needed here.

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