new pokemon for Raivis, unfortunately.

Sep 12, 2011 07:53

[The feed comes on quite deliberately for once, the young Latvian seeming to be somewhat alarmed, although at least he's now in a new location, he's sat inside the Cherrygrove pokecentre directly in the middle of the floor. There's a strange noise of a pokemon battle that seems to be purely to do with two pokemon themselves. Raivis' Larvitar and ( Read more... )

cherrygrove, larvitar, latvia, rattata

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[video] gochuugoku September 12 2011, 07:15:07 UTC
You could try putting some bitter-tasting, non-toxic spray on their skin, or fur, so they will stay away from each other, aru. Or just put whoever starts the fight in the PC for awhile. [Like a timeout.]


[video] tearfulyandere September 12 2011, 07:17:25 UTC
In the PC? Huh?

[He looks down at his device, it doesn't look like either of his pokemon would fit in there, but then they don't exactly look like they'd fit into the pokeballs either so...]

Umm... I.. I will try... yes?


[video] gochuugoku September 12 2011, 07:25:14 UTC
[Oh, right, the time difference.]

Um, Lātuōwéiyǎ, I did not mean this communication device, aru. You know that lighted box that can be found in every Pokemon Center? That is what I mean.


[video] (I have to ask... what language is that version of Latvia in?) tearfulyandere September 12 2011, 07:31:08 UTC
In... the box? Umm... does it open somehow?

((ooc: Never mind. I found it. Google translate Failed me badly.))


[video] Yep~ It's pinyin for Latvia in Mandarin gochuugoku September 12 2011, 07:39:59 UTC
[How to explain computers...?]

In a way, aru. You just put the Pokeball on the stand next to it and it gets transported into the PC.

Also, once you have six Pokemon, you cannot carry the rest on hand, they are automatically sent to the PC, aru.


[video] XD! Learn sommat new every day. tearfulyandere September 12 2011, 07:45:01 UTC
it.. gets transported? OK.. I think I am understanding. I will do that if I am having to... although the idea of jailing them seems a little cruel somehow... I suppose I am going to have to be getting used to idea yes?


[video] gochuugoku September 13 2011, 08:27:52 UTC
Think of it as a timeout, aru. You do not have to leave them in there for too long, though I would extend the time if they keep misbehaving.


[video] tearfulyandere September 19 2011, 04:25:58 UTC
!! I.. I might have to be trying that then!!

Thank you very much Sir!!


[video] gochuugoku September 20 2011, 09:23:41 UTC
You should! Pokemon need to be disciplined too, or else they become spoiled, aru!


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