Application for Luminesti

May 29, 2010 19:04

Player Name:Rebecca
Player LJ:Sephiroth_lost
E-mail and/or AIM:MSN e-mail and messenger:,
AIM: redheadedrichboy / sephiroth lost
Y!IM: sephiroth_tenshi / redheadedrichboy
Current Characters:N/A
Character:Raivis Galante (Latvia)
Fandom/Series:Axis Powers Hetalia
Original or Alternate Universe:Original
Canon Used: Manga/Anime- Latvia's presence in the anime is severely limited but nothing in his characterisation changes from the two.
Age: Appearance 15, is technically as old as Latvia itself. As far as countries go though he is considered fairly young as he has not gone through nearly as many battles and wars as the others, preferring to rely on being looked after by his current captor.
Personality: Raivis is for the most part a kind hearted soul who just wants to avoid conflict whenever and wherever possible. He's been through enough wars in his lifetime that those that mention it are likely to be reminded of the fact that this is a bad idea.
In new situations he's usually at least a little nervous and depending on how new they are and how many possible threats there are will determine just how nervous he is, this is accompanied by a physical sign in the form of shivering. His trembles have been known to be strong enough to make the ground tremble with him, but this takes a lot of doing, such as someone actively trying to kill him. Sadly it makes hiding rather more difficult. Not that this stops him from trying to hide when he senses true danger. Anything can become a hiding place, a table, a door, even another person if he feels they are safer than the dangerous object.
Having said that, once he gets to know someone well enough he can be quite an affectionate little guy, happy for hugs and cuddles at any time, place and point. He'll do what he can to make someone happy and usually rack his brain for hours if need be to try and find a solution to their problem, even long after they've said everythings all right.
He is somewhat sheltered though, despite the things he's seen, living in Russia's house has kept him from the majority of harm and fighting that the other countries have seen, so although he's seen the after effects of them, he has rarely actively participated in them, normally surrendering when he knows he can not win, which is most of the time.
Being as small as he is, he is easily taken and easily beaten, which is why he looks to his protectors to keep him safe. To this effect, although he has tried on a couple of times to escape Russia's ownership and become a free country, up to the point in time he comes from, he neither has nor particularly wants freedom right now. True the oil prices are a harsh price to pay for but seeing as Russia has the ability to take them from him whenever he wants anyway, if anything he sees freedom as somewhat of a joke.
Once his friendship has been won however, his loyalty is for life and he’ll even overcome his own fears as best he can to stand up for them, although once done he’ll find somewhere to hide again until the conflict is over. Watch out however if he thinks you’re wrong. You’ll be lectured in the only way he possibly dares. This takes form with a lot of questions as he tries to make you see that you’re thinking things through wrong. Not to worry overly much though, he’s easily snapped out of it pretty much by telling him to shut up which will win you a very scared apology and the sight of the blurred little guy finding somewhere to hide again until you get over your own temper.
He's very curious about most things also, always wanting to know what things are and how they work, sadly this doesn't help him much as it takes him a little while to understand it all, nontheless it never stops him from asking and requesting repeats of the answers if he feels he needs it.
As much of a child as he can be on occasion, he has a problem which is probably where the nervousness all stems from to be honest. Brain - filter - mouth. Raivis just doesn't seem to have the middle part of that. When he thinks of something, he'll say it, then usually get worried when people get annoyed. If he wants something he'll try to touch/play with it if it is within reach. Once again, he does it without thinking about it first, if he did, he would probably realise that it's not a good idea on occasion.
There is a good way to get around him any time though, Vodka. The little guy has an addiction to it and enjoys drinking anything, but especially that, not something that's easy to get in Russia's house where Russia has the key to the drinks cabinet. Not that he should be drinking but... Anyway, offer him Vodka and you're probably going to win him over.
Strengths/Abilities:Being a country Raivis does have some extra strength over humans, not that you'd know it to look at him, against other countries though for the most part he doesn't stand a chance, with the possible exception of Sealand who isn't a real country anyway.
He's also very hard to actually kill or injure properly from a regular human being, although he can be wounded rather obviously and any attacks on his land will result in an injury for him also. He does however heal quite quickly, Mother nature is a wonderful nurturer, this doesn't mean it hurts any less though, and once more, fighting is not something he ever enjoys or wants to do.
His trembles also can set off very minor earthquakes when scared enough, not that this is something he attempts to do, it just sort of.. happens for the little guy.
Cooking is definitely a strength for him, especially when it comes to sweets and chocolate, he'll happily cook for anyone he likes at any time they want, and usually if requested from a stranger also.
His other talent is singing, his country is pretty big on it and he has taken that for himself. He loves to sing either for an audience or for himself, in fact he enjoys anything cultural but he's somewhat of a jack of all trades with most of it, master of none, the only things he really excels in are cooking and singing, although he makes a mediocre to fair dancer when given a chance.
Obviously the aforementioned trembling does make life difficult for Raivis.
He's also tied to his country, what happens to that affects him personally. Economics going down can make him very ill. A natural disaster could take weeks to heal from, even though he's not in his country he's still affected very much by it.
He is still small though, and even his favourite drink Vodka is a good way to get the young nation drunk, of course, when drunk, he's more likely to be less scared, sadly his other characteristics don't go away, so the lack of thinking and the affection remains. He also gets somewhat giggly, so thankfully it's easy to tell that he's drunk. This of course, is not necessarily a good thing when around those such as Russia or others who would take advantage of such things.
Canon within the manga itself is somewhat sketchy for little Latvia annoyingly., but he only appears twice in the anime and one of those times is very modern day.
The character itself within Hetalia is known to have lived with Poland, Lithuania and Estonia for some time before Sweden got partial custody of them.
It is known that he was taken over by Russia during the first world war when he lived there with the other two Baltics, he escaped and won freedom for himself for a short period of time, then during World War 2 he was once more taken over by Russia and lived with him, Lithuania and Estonia up until the point he's coming from when they were about to visit Germany's house and possibly join them/aid them in the war.
Relations with the other characters would seem to be almost a family unit with the Baltics although they are not family, Latvia has even been known to wish he had siblings as he is pretty much ignored by his two counterparts unless he’s getting into trouble. Something which he seems to have no problem with doing, up to and including getting partially eaten by sheep!
When near Estonia an elongated shout of his name is not particularly uncommon as despite the fact that he is the youngest they still care for him in their own way. He’s also been seen travelling around with Russia on occasion to help collect gas money and the like from Ukraine, so despite the fear that he might snap on occasion he’s still usually content to remain with him.
Because Russia is so volatile though, he is known for his constant trembling especially when the larger nation is known to be near him. He works as a servant for Russia with the other Baltics though so it’s not like he can be avoided. He’s sometimes portrayed as hating Russia and being terrified of him all the time though, but I’m not convinced this is the case since he’s given some strips within the manga of actually being around Russia and not trembling or being afraid, even holding the other man’s hand quite willingly.
He's as yet unaware that Russia later betrayed Germany and rejoined the Allies to help them win the war.
Latvia itself has a huge history which as a country is somewhat hard to define on occasion. Obviously history is written by the winners, and although Latvia has won its wars, it's lost a lot of them also.
Every time it has fought for its independence it has ended up losing it again in a relatively short period of time.
Its flag represents its pride though, two maroon stripes with a white stripe in the middle, representing blood around innocence. The story goes that a general was fatally injured and to be taken back to be dealt with respectfully was wrapped up in a white sheet. The maroon represents his blood.
The Latvian national anthem however shows none of the pride of the Latvians; it is more of a hymn or a prayer for help from God than anything else as they knew they were going to need all the help they can get.

Canon Point:Taking Latvia from just before the trip to Germany's house with Russia, Lithuania and Estonia. Still trying to refind the exact manga strip but time period is early 1940's <--Just before this point

First Person Sample:

[He wakes up in a strange room, nothing was right. This was definitely not Mr. Russia’s house. Nor were there any signs of the other two. This was definitely bizarre to say the least. His head was aching though, he could almost swear there were spots in front of him, the room dancing around as though he had been drinking last night. He hadn’t been drinking last night... right?]

Umm... H... Hello?

[No response. Maybe this was a dream? That would make much better sense as far as he is concerned but somehow it all seems far too real. Too vivid. He can feel the air around him, it doesn’t seem poisonous at least but...]

I... Is there anyone there at all?

[At that point a sound makes him jump, turning around to face a huge window which he hadn’t noticed before. There is a man there standing there and watching him! He is speaking so fast though, that it’s hard to keep up with him. ]

Umm.. well... see...

[He was talking worse than Mr Russia though! As though he can’t wait to get out what he wants to say, the man isn’t even -listening- to him! This... This isn’t fair!]


[He has to take a huge breath to get that out, but he gets it, not that he should have bothered for all the care the big man has for it. He carries right on talking at him and then disappears! Eh? Did he...did he make the other do that?]

C...come back! Please? Umm... I... I.. I w... won’t shout again! I promise!

[No avail. He’s never managed to scare anyone away before. Usually it was the other way around. That was almost quite fun. He has to wonder if this is what Ivan feels like when he did it to him and the other Baltics. He taps at the large window again, but the man never comes back and he can’t see anything else inside of it. He taps it once more just to satisfy himself before turning his back on it. It doesn’t seem like anything else is going to happen after all.]

[Now the room has stopped blurring in front of his eyes it was probably time to explore anyway. If this is a dream then he can be in no danger, and if it isn’t a dream then he needs to know what dangers there are right?]

[Biting down on his lower lip hard enough to feel it, he pushes the door of what seems to be the bedroom open. Bit by bit it opens, thankfully making no noise, someone has oiled it well apparently. What he sees though makes him breathe in sharply, then grin. A basket? A present for him? It has to be for him right?]

Umm.. H.. hello? If th..this belongs to anyone... p...please say so now.

[He silently curses the stutter that seems to rear its head whenever he was nervous now, it wouldn’t do to let anyone know he is worried would it? Not like he can help it though! No one responds though, and at least to him it seems like either they want him to have it or there is truly no one there.]

[That basket is stood there taunting him, begging him to see what is inside of it. He takes another quick look around, then makes his way to it. What could possibly be in it???]

[Wow. There is all sorts in this. Plenty of hot drinks for when it gets cold, fruit in case he gets hungry, even chocolate. Oh god Chocolate! Thinking of that makes him miss his own hometown again, he hadn’t seen it in ages now. Not since moving in with Mr Russia and the other Baltics. It makes him sad to think of his town. He wonders if his people are all right. At least while he is under protection they should be safe right? As long as it isn’t assumed that he was being a traitor by his absence! Oh.. Oh no. No no no no! This is... he isn’t safe at all is?! As long as he is here, he can’t let the others know that he isn’t deserting them! ]

Oh please Mr Russia don’t kill my people! Don’t take my lands. Wait for me, I’ll be back! I’ll do whatever it takes! J... Just... b... believe in me ja?

[He knows he isn’t supposed to cry usually, but, he can’t help it right now. He falls to the ground his knees under him and sobs. Just as well Mr Lithuania and Mr Estonia aren’t here to see. He’d probably be lectured again if they had been.]

[He does feel better after his crying fit though, as though a lot of emotions had been released during it, he always feels that way though to be honest. It is one of the reasons he cries as much as he does truth be told.]

[Back to the basket though, it still has his interest while there are things in it.]


[What is that? It looks like... a lion? It is made of stone though, so it is fairly safe.]

Ehe...’re kind of cute huh?

[ It looks so lifelike even as small as it is, he wants to stroke it, but it is hard and he knows that trying hard enough would only get his fingers grazed, so he contents himself just looking at it for a short while. Carefully he puts it to the side, deciding to examine it in more detail a little later on.]

]There is a piece of paper in there too, but it is long and a little boring really, so he just sort of skims it over and puts it in his pocket for later. He can read it more thoroughly once he knows what is going on around him right?]

[Wow... this is a pretty big basket huh? ]

Going to have to make sure I don’t fall in ja?

[I doesn’t know why he is talking to the lion, but it makes him feel like there is someone or something there that will listen to him, and it won’t judge him. It can’t judge him. That is really nice.]

I’ll call you Leo ja? Is good name for you I think. We’ll be friends Leo ok?

[He giggles softly to himself, much more content now there was no sign of danger that could be avoided just yet.]


[He almost jumps out of his skin at the last part though! A strange tiny window on a box. What on earth? It is making noises though! Why? He puts it back in the basket for the moment very quickly, before turning back to the lion statuette.]

Third Person Sample:It was strange to the young nation, everyone told him he had it so hard when he spoke to them, but really, it wasn’t so bad living in Mr Russia’s house. As scary as the bigger nation could be sometimes it wasn’t all pain and suffering as so many seemed to assume it would be.
He smiled to himself as he sat down in the living room, taking a well deserved break from the housework. Not like it wasn’t nearly completed anyway right? There was time enough to enjoy himself at least for a little bit before the others found him and forced him to finish completely. Time enough to reflect on his life itself as well, not something he often found himself having to be honest.
Even just the other day he had been hard at work when a meeting had been called by Mr Russia himself. He had been saying something about going to see Germany, arranging a meeting so that they could join forces. Not that this meant much to the small Baltic, after all, where he went, what he did, that was all decided for him pretty much. The few short times he’d actually managed to attain a voice and be listened to he’d been either hurt or stopped in his tracks before he could really even get started. Even though he knew his ideas were good, he wasn’t strong enough yet to hold his own against the more powerful countries, that alone was a good reason to go along with Russia and do as he said. After all, look how well freedom had worked for him the last time!
He laughed softly to himself, although the sound carried none of his usual merriment right now, freedom. That was a joke and a dream that could never be truly attained. Even if he succeeded he would always be dependent on someone, on something. His own people, they weren’t even agricultural like Miss Ukraine. What did they have to offer? Chocolate? Mr Germany had a hold on that as did so many of the other countries. Oil? He got that from Mr Russia and whether he liked the fact or not, it was one of the many holds the larger nation had over him. Amber? That was all well and good, but what use was that during times of war? Who needed pretty jewellery in times like this? No one.
No. Far better to stay and obey and be fed, sheltered, kept healthy. His people depended on him doing so as well. His people were not strong enough to keep themselves on their own grounds. They needed Russia and his type as much as they might complain about it and fight among themselves. As much as the small country would have loved to see everyone back in peaceful times. It just wasn’t going to happen.
He sighed softly to himself, jumping slightly at the sound of a door going. Other people. Time to get back to work.

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