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Mar 23, 2010 05:25

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1) Where did you first meet geaux_drualt? Over the journals? Also in her dance class..she was fun!
2) Does scientific_god drink? Umm..I'm guessing so.Is scientist ja? All scientists drink ja?
3) What would p_r_u_s_s_i_a think of nottedimortesky? P...prussia-san? Umm.... that he's....nto as awesome as he is? although I think he's scarier...
4) Is unionjackflash single? would be surprised if not ja?
5) What would you do if dodgerxhoward died? Attend funeral?
6) nottedimortesky's eye color? umm.. I.. I don't know,.
7) Do you have a crush on p_r_u_s_s_i_a? NE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nenenenenenenene!!!!
8) If dandelions_whee were hanging off a cliff, what would hokkyoku do? umm... talk her up?
9) Would you set up frost_la_magra and shoshannax? Ne!! Shanna is cute girl ja? Frost is not cute boy!
10) Is shoshannax related to you? Ne.. but is related to France-san ja?
11) What is unionjackflash's shoe size? I don't know.. big?
12) What flavor of jello would schoolgirllaney be? Strawberry! Sweet enough to be tasty and tart enough to be enjoyed in other ways!
13) Are scientific_god and number_1_gun married? Ne-e!
14) Would you make out with headmastermary? Is little young for me ja?
15) What is ghedeleblanc's biggest flaw? Is hard to understand.
16) What is purple_eggplant allergic to? Meat? Name suggests this.
17) Do headmastermary and polishrule go to the same school? Ja!!!!
18) What exotic animal would nocturnalmusic like as a pet? Hm.. an Owl maybe? Ne. Nightingale! Is pretty bird that sing ja?
19) What is vi0l3nt_seif3r's favorite band/artist? I..I don't know...
20) One thing you can't stand about krysimeteri? His shadow?
21) How long would nottedimortesky dating dodgerxhoward last? Would be depending on how well they got on ja?
22) doyourwurst's hair color? Blonde. Summer blonde
23) Is newborn_sparkle introverted or extroverted? Extroverted I think ja?
24) What would kainertia give kleptorikku for his/her birthday? Her birthday and I am hoping is somethign nice ja?
25) Would nocturnalmusic and rippetystabstab look good together? .... Ne!!! please dont' kill me Belarus-san! Belarus-san want only Russia-san ja?
26) What color should krysimeteri dye their hair? Is nice now. Why dye?
27) How long have you known piper_margue? A couple days ja?
28) If ghedeleblanc took over the world, who would be happy? Umm.. am guessing anyone who likes him.
29) Have you flirted with king_akefia? Ne.
30) Is italiano_pastaa a college student? Ja. We all college student here ja?
31) If frost_la_magra commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Umm.. am thinking army would not be good ja?
32) Does piper_margue know 42nd_columbia? I am hoping so.We all in same school?
33) Is piper_margue a high school student? Ja!
34) If deathchic and headmastermary were spliced together, what would be its name? Grellary? Mell?
35) If doyourwurst was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Germany-san -is- superhero.. he saved me.
36) Could you see italiano_pastaa and kleptorikku together? hmm.. strangely? ja!
37) Which president would doyourwurst be likely to idolize? His own.
38) Do you have quietcatatonia's screenname? Ne.
39) Does schoolgirllaney smoke? I am not thinking so..unless was set fire to ja? But would not do that!
40) Has note_atem been to your house/dorm? Possibly? I am not knowing now.All rooms were changed so often.
41) Thoughts on unionjackflash? Sea-kun does not like him... I am not really knowing him so well.
42) Do you think deathchic is hot? Ja!
43) Would you wrestle kleptorikku in jello? Ne... would only lose.
44) Does frost_la_magra have a big secret? Probably?
45) Is 1trueaussie your best friend? Ne.. do not really know them.
46) Would frost_la_magra and kainertia make a good couple? Am not thinking Frost wouldmake good couple with anyone.
47) What is hokkyoku's favorite color? umm.. red?
48) Where would hokkyoku most like to visit? Hm.. Latvia! Ja?
49) Does quietcatatonia do drugs? am thinking yes by how she speaks.
50) If kainertia had a superpower, what would it be? To flirt endlessly?
51) Would purple_eggplant be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate! Pirates are fun ja?
52) What comic book character would king_akefia be? Hm.. is hard question... am thinking Akefia is good character already.
53) Would you ever date doyourwurst? ................
54) Did reno_garcia break up with you? Ne?
55) Does unionjackflash travel a lot? Am thinking so ja.
56) Has generalsephiros dyed their hair? Is white.. is not normal colour... so am thinking ja.
57) What planet should generalsephiros be from? Earth! All should be from Earth ja?
58) Does dodgerxhoward have a dog? I... do not know?
59) Where was piper_margue born? Earth!
60) What animal does dodgerxhoward remind you of? am not really knowing.
61) Is piper_margue in a relationship? Possibly? Humans date and undate too quickly am thinking.
62) Is frost_la_magra friends with nottedimortesky? I.. doubt it?
63) How tall is ghedeleblanc? Have not seen him yet.
64) Does dalekdestroyer go to your school? Ja! Is nice man ja?
65) What languages does unionjackflash speak? Umm.. English I am thinking? Possibly Japanese.. goes to see Japan a lot...umm... is Englishthough so maybe not...
66) Are krysimeteri and sea_tofreedom going steady? Ne!
67) If kleptorikku took over the world, who would suffer? Russia-san.. since he is meant to have world ja?
68) Are songs_and_leeks and reno_garcia going out? Ne
69) Is p_r_u_s_s_i_a related to ghedeleblanc? NE!NENENE!Nenenenenenene!!!!!!!
70) Does headmastermary have a crush on note_atem? I... do not know.
71) How would number_1_gun kill ergaleomancer? With a gun?
72) Which of your friends should sea_tofreedom go out with? Elena-san! Would be cute couple ja?
73) What mental disorder does scientific_god remind you of? Egotism?
74) Would sea_tofreedom go out with tenacioustailor? Would also be cute couple ja?!
75) Is kainertia a nerd? do not know.
76) What is geaux_drualt's favorite movie? As above
77) What song/movie would you recommend to sea_tofreedom? My religion is freedom! Is one of latest songs from Latvia ja?
78) Is note_atem 1337? .. I am thinking he is older than this ja?
79) What word best describes deathchic? Warm!
80) What video game does kleptorikku remind you of? ... Am thinking this is not good question to answer.
81) When did you last call dalekdestroyer? Has not called.. does not have number.
82) Is frostyfaucet dead sexy? .... do not think this good question to answer....
83) How would generalsephiros conquer the world? I am not thinking he could. Am thinking Russia-san would win.
84) How many monkeys could purple_eggplant fight at once and win against? Lots? Monkey's not really fight much.
85) What would deathchic do differently in your shoes? ... I do not think my shoes would fit them...
86) Have you ever dated note_atem? Ne. Is not good person for me to date ja?
87) Where was italiano_pastaa born? Ehe!!! Italy of course!
88) Is dalekdestroyer popular? ja!
89) What do you agree with vi0l3nt_seif3r about? umm.. have not spoken much with them yet.
90) Is france_kiss an emo? Hm.. not that I have seen.
91) Is unionjackflash athletic? I think so.Did well in Olympics ja?
92) What animal should nanogenetic be combined with? Am thinking with dolphin ja? Is very intelligent animal!
93) If quietcatatonia and italiano_pastaa were siamese twins where would they be joined? .. am not thinking this good idea! Am thinking this VERY BAD IDEA!
94) What do you disagree with sea_tofreedom about? Hmm.. about being country I think.
95) What rank would sea_tofreedom have in a giant robot army? Commander of course!
96) One quality you find attractive in geaux_drualt? She's fun!
97) What would you do if you found out krysimeteri has a crush on you? Be surprised?
98) If geaux_drualt and doyourwurst were spliced together, what would it be like? umm... Very tall dancer...very very strong.. and very over emotional?
99) What is quietcatatonia's favorite food? Tea I believe,
100) What is generalsephiros's favorite game? I do not think he plays.
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