Oct 10, 2004 15:32
"I know if I don't swim I'm already drowning"
And so I'm swimming.
^__^;; Today's been uneventful *nods* Last night was awesome! =D After hanging with Josh for a few hours- which was fun ^^- went to this corn maze thing and hung out with people ^^;; discovered that I need to talk to Amanda more o.o after going through the maze- which, surprisingly enough, wasn't that scary o.o minus the chainsaw dudes and the creepy ass dude that came down from the bus ceiling >>;;- we walked back and forth between mazes for a while and a group of us- Claire, Lauren, Skidmore, Chris and I- decided since it took 20 minutes to move about 2 feet, that we would go to Polar Ice instead. I feel SOOOOOO bad though for ditching Shayla =/ and everyone and just... Grah, I feel uber bad about it.
Though, maybe it's a sign that I've been punished, cause I accidentally ran at full speed into a rope and totally biffed XD like... there's a red mark on my upper back from where it hit that hurts like hell. It was funny, though o.o;; even to random strangers who saw it XDXDXD lmao
So all of yesterday kicked uber ass ^__^
Today's been alrighty, started laundry and finished my 10.3 million notecards for World History =X
And I'm kinda being tested right now on myself, and I'm kinda failing and kinda succeeding, it's weird though- it's starting to not hurt. And, well, losing doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would.
Anyway, I'll save the rest for my own written diary =X haven't written in that for a while
So the rest of tonight I'm spending with my mom, and if Mary calls than maybe go out with her ^__^ which would be awesome, cause for all that we hang out- we haven't hung out without having to be at some band function in about 20 minutes in a long time