[it's september and i'm skipping this town]

Aug 27, 2009 00:05

so i finally watched a very potter musical. and omg, it is TOTALLY AWESOME! EEEEH. especially voldemort. everyone go &  watch it, if you haven't already!

& look at my mood theme \o/ i love mood themes, ♥ (and i love changing them, like on a weekly basis)

vid recs.

multi. make your own kind of music by barkley 
there is something in this for everyone - a vid like hug. warm & sweet. and leaves one slightly teary-eyed.

doctor who. lead balloon by sweetestdrain 
omg, MICKEY! this vid made me flail so much. it is pure awesome - it shows how much mickey changes throughout the series. from the goofyness & humiliation he has to endure to being a badass cyberman-hunter. SO GOOD! i didn't even realize that i needed to see this vid until i did.

multi. i want candy by laurashapiro  & vagabondage 
an awesome, fun vid about the prettyness of menfolk :P very yummy.

merlin. dark room by cherryice 
a prophetic, dreamy vid - everything they do is tinged with darkness & slowly falls apart. beautiful & somehow heartbreaking. oh show...

pushing daisies. can't touch this by
ned and chuck. cute, sweet and hilarious. the title says so much about this show & pairing already.

supernatural. choose life by
supernatural + trainspotting = this awesome piece of vidding! dean has it hard. there are so many things to choose...

speed racer. running on the ragged edge by macchinainterna 
a flash of colour and crazyness - stunningly gorgeous. the movement and sparkling, and everything... WOW!

life on mars. welcome to the real world by jagwriter78 
sam tyler lives in two parallel worlds. amazing editing, smooth & shiny and awesome.

vid rec: pushing daisies, vid rec: doctor who, vid rec: spn, youtube is my friend, vid rec: movie, vid rec, harry potter, vid rec: life on mars, vid rec: multi/crossover, vid rec: merlin

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