
Aug 17, 2009 17:10

second of who knows how many. some are non-vvc vids i think - i've got them all in the same 'to watch' folder, so i don't know anymore...

star trek. the long spear by jmtorres 
a melancholic, beautiful vid-essay about the trek universe. mostly reboot & tos, kirk & spock. but there's something for everyone there. soft & hinting at so much.

multi. acid intro by millylicious 
a shiny, action trip through a big portion of tv land - fast and furious, moves from source to source - parallel to parallel, awesome to awesome.

supernatural. sex-o-matic venus freak by
hee, supernatural can still make me happy. i think i never completely stopped loving it, it's just a tougher love now :P i really like this vid, cause for once sam is the ladies' man... *giggles* there are hints at darkness, but the vid mostly focuses on the shiny fun & sexyliciousness.

leverage. start the commotion by danegen 
hardison, ot3, AWESOMM. i adore this so much, it's shiny & bouncy and it makes me happy, like sadly the second season of leverage can't make me anymore. this vid shows all the best of this show - the action, the cleverness & the sparkly characters. mostly hardison, of course. but also parker & elliot. the ot3.

multi. take it off by greensilver 
women who know what they want - in charge, hot, action-y. & appreciating the male body... *g*

firefly. hard sun by bradcpu & laurashapiro (with help)
this is about firefly, but it's also about vidding in general. i think everyone has this sometimes: you hear a song & imagine a vid/scene/whatever in your head. this vid is that exactly - it uses self made footage & is pure shiny awesome. i love it so fucking hard!

batman, the dark knight. attention: gotham city! by cherryice 
wow, one stunning vid for a movie that was a huge disappointment for me. this is different, in editing & song choice, but it's so intense & clever. and all around gorgeous.


and because it's hard to post vid recs without anything else - some pictures i took. mostly from my various glasses of 'gespritzer weisswein' *g* (white wine with sparkling water & lemon - very refreshing and delicious)

(there were over two weeks of free concerts every evening, on this raft. so AWESOME! now it's finished, sadly... that means summer is getting closer to an end, *sob*)

vid rec: leverage, vid rec: spn, vid rec: firefly/serenity, vid rec, personal, pretty pics, vid rec: star trek, vid rec: multi/crossover

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