[he said all men will be sailors then / until the sea shall free them]

Jul 25, 2009 20:42

wanna know something really awesome?

shanghai_jim just posted 16 band of brothers vids, all for individual easy company men/characters. so very cool. some of them are really good! i especially reccomend: writerguy (webster) - teh pretty, & imo best vid of them all. bruin (buck) - cause he's so tragic & sharp (johnny martin) - cause he's the freaking awesome, and an unexpected badass. and maybe survivor (malarkey) - just cause that guy breaks my heart every time. and how lulzy is it that the day after i posted my own vid called 'the survivor' i watched this... thankfully it's not the same song, *g* oh and maybe jonathan (nixon), cause it's full of nixon/winters goodness that warms my fangirlish heart.

my fangirlish heart that has been shattered by eureka's third season. OMG, STARK! NOOOOOoo. my ship died, ugh. two ships crashed in two weeks, *cries* how very unfair. okay, so technically 'i do over' has aired quite some time ago - but i just watched it now.

i'm living in constant denial, *pouts*


i finally read elie wiesel's trilogy night. which in german has the poetic title 'die nacht zu begraben, elischa' (~ to lay the night to rest, elischa). i've wanted to read it for ages, but i always forgot about it - after watching band of brothers i remembered that it was somewhere on the top of my 'to read' list.

and wow. difficult, wonderful, terrible book. starts about where anne frank's diaries stop - the first part is about his experience in the kz (where he was maybe 15 years old). fucking makes me cry every few pages, but wow. seriously... *shudders*



on a happier note - some links for you:

a picspam of x-files comic-things, fanart & stuff
• eureka fic: the perils of joint tenancy by
black_eyedgirl, in which jack & nathan sort of join. or something. which is all kinda awesome.
• a young marlon brando picspam... *thud* this man was teh hotness, in case you forgot.
• am i the only one who didn't know that the freaking BEATLES performed pyramus & thibse... *dies* omfg, i luv them. although there is a lot of female screeching in the background, which is sort of annoying - but i can't be angry at them, cause john & paul playing the two lovers is sort of, um, GREATNESS!

+ a cute & fun leverage vid, and she was by wyomingnot, YAY, PARKER!
+ via teenytinyghosty: alice in wonderland trailer, YAY. i know it will be awesome.


vid rec: leverage, vid rec: band of brothers, movie(s), band of brothers, youtube is my friend, fanfic rec: eureka, vid rec, episode reaction, pretty pics, slash, fanfic rec, music, x-files, cultural stuff (art-ish-ness+books+etc)

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