[you stared, as if to say 'you've got to be mad' - and that made my day]

Jul 16, 2009 19:15

i was a bit much online this last week, which was all torchwood's fault of course - i couldn't miss anything ;) it was fun, but rl is fun too (of course me stepping back from the internets was followed by the two days migraine from hell, but whatever).

so, a random!things post...

• i went to a giacometti exhibition, which was just wonderful. giacometti is a swiss sculptor/painter. he makes pretty various things & i love most of it a lot.

also: his stuff is on the swiss 100-francs note, hee.

there was also an exhibition called 'africa, oceania & modernity' - strange title, but it was BRILLIANT. a lot of ancient tribal masks & things, from various african country, and micronesia & places - paired up in the same rooms with 'modern' paintings, like matisee, miró, picasso, ... so beautiful, i tell you!

• another picture-thing; a meme snagged from kiki-miserychic -

Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive.
NO CAPTIONS!!! It must be like we're speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words.
They must ALREADY be on your hard drive - no googling or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past. They must be something you've saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
You do NOT have to answer any questions about any of your pictures if you don't want to. You can make them as mysterious as you like. Or you can explain them away as much as you like

i don't really have a lot of picture saved, except tons of personal ones - that's why i added a few self-made pics that i would have saved, even if i hadn't made them myself ;) hope that counts.

• something harrypotter-ish that is not about the movie: OMG, here, have a SIRIUS/REMUS LOVE POST! it's the maximum of awesome. with fics & recs and art and flailing and homg, *LOVES* and you know, there's even a user guide to the awesome that is this lovepost ...i have no idea how i love that pairing so much, i just do. SO MUCH. and i didn't even like them much in the movie - didn't like how the actors looked & talked & *shrugs* but YAY! the pupplove is making me all happy and flaily.

i think i'm ready to go and watch the new movie now.

• i started watching eureka with my bff, and - FUN! i already ship stark/carter, of course - the snarking & bitching and staring at each other is a safe way to become an otp of mine :P also: HOT! mmhm...

& henry. aww, henry. i'm only up to somewhere in the middle of season 2 & it makes me sad how angsty he's become. and his friendship with jack is rapidly disintegrating into nothing :( i hope this gets better again... *sniffles* i love their bff-ness of the first season. and anyway, i'll need to watch more to know more - but it's a really cute show. and cause cute shows deserve cute vids, here a rec for two awesome, although not extremely new vids. YAY!

hummingbird pneumonia by talitha78 
a shiny, beautiful vid about the way eureka's science affects the people living there. it's all shiny happy. except when it isn't.

industrial strength tranqualizer by jmtorres 
sherrif carter needs a lot of strength to fight the weirdness & trouble of that small town (and its inhabitants), hee.

also: *squishes him* i love carter SO MUCH, seriously. i especially love how he never asks for directios & always have to come back - and everyone knows it, *giggles*

and another thing i've come to love: the amount of 'science made them do it' fic in this fandom... *lol* so many! it's astonishing & hilarious.

• two cute-ish fics, cause (as you may have noticed) i'm very much in the mood for cuteness. especially in these two fandoms -

torchwood. the face of god (or: ianto hears a who) by alex51324 
if you haven't read this yet, somehow, you really missed something :D cause it's ianto + the jam!jar people, *squee*

eureka. crisis management (or: just another beautiful day in the neighborhood) by
the five minor crises that cemented jack & henry's friendship - whee, so adorable!

• i rewatched fishing with john with the same bff. & oh god, *dies* i forgot how much hilarious fun it is - so GOOD! seriously, if you have never seen this, you missed one of the bestest things ever... ♥

it's a sort of series - six parts, in which john lurie takes several (famous) friends out, fishing. AWESOME, i tell you! it's completely weird & may be slightly boring, to people who don't like watching two guys sitting around & talking about nothing much while being awesome. but it's got john lurie going shark fishing with jim jarmusch (♥), weirding out with tom waits (♥♥), ... the other three guests are matt dillon, willem dafoe & dennis hopper - read more here, if you wanna.

the complete thing is completely made of win, and also on youtube - but, of course it's youtube quality... but still -

image Click to view

• i am not vidding. damn. i really wanted to finish this vid that i'm sort of not really working on, and i will, *grumbles* i really will. but maybe only after the vvc vid-rush has passed, cause i don't think i'll finish this before vvc begins... *siiigh*

• i live in a pretty small town right at the borders of france & germany - and i know about all the long-distance-trains (or however you call them) - or at least i thought so. OMG! you guys, there is direct train from basel (where i live) to moscow. wow, I HAVE TO TAKE IT! seriously, i've taken all the long distance trains - i can't resist them. if i walk through the station, just taking a train for ten minutes to go visit mum & i see a train departing for MOSCOW... i just - *freaks out*

really, there are only very few trains that go a long way. there is one for berlin (+ one for hamburg), one for brussels, one for milan/rome, one for vienna. i think that's all. & i've taken them all at least once. well - the berlin!train splits up & one half goes to prague - i've never done that either :( but now there is one bound for moscow. departing 18:04, daily... *shivers in anticipation* it's probably too expensive though, right? and i mean, it's at least 2'000 kilometeres, that's gonna take some time. but i saw that it goes via warsaw/minsk - and it splits up somewhere along the journey - one third to moscow, the other to stockholm, and the last to krakow.

ngh... rghlackfshomgbbqaskldjghalsdkgj*keysmash*

i know, it's probably not exciting for anyone else, but... *shrugs* i've always wanted to go to russia - and it's just that it suddenly feels so much closer. & when there's a train to somewhere so far away in your little town... mmhmyay. I WANNA GO TO MOSCOW!

/excited ramble

• and as a happy finish, here, have a cuteness overload: jack + ianto and the vicious lion | and the light switch | and the question | ...some more, and also: jack + tea and the no-ianto


ETA: omg, i didn't know leverage had started again, YAY! *runs off to watch*

youtube is my friend, tw, fanfic rec: eureka, leverage, vid rec, harry potter, fandom, vid rec: eureka, meme fun, eureka, fanfic rec: torchwood, personal, vid talk, random show love, pretty pics, fanfic rec, cultural stuff (art-ish-ness+books+etc)

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