brain and brain. WHAT IS BRAIN?

Jun 07, 2009 04:09


st_xi_kink is eating my life at the moment... (when i'm not leafing through old posts at ontd_startrek that is)

& there isn't enough spock/mccoy fic in the world to please me :( people are much too obsessed with new!kirk & kirk/mccoy for my liking... *deeep sigh* it's so hard to ship spock/mccoy since they didn't really have many great moments during the new movie. (at least i do like kirk/spock too.)


i am internet-addicted, *wibbles* i need to go into rehab or something.

semester has ended & i'm doing nothing else than internetting the whole day & going to concerts/partying all nights... i'm so freaking tired & it's totally my own fault. it has to be some sort of wacky self-punishing thing to deprive oneself of sleep. right? i mean - sleeping is awesome.

(but reading fanfic too)


i can't get over the new pairing-names i have discovered.

i mean i know that people are calling kirk/spock spirk (or kock) are just making fun of the whole thing... RIGHT? but everytime i see a fic labeled 'arwen' i do NOT think of arthur/gwen fic (merlin fandom) - i think of the pretty elf princess from lord of the rings. and then i kinda wanna read it... but most of the time these fics sadly lack in elf princesses :(


i want a huge men-in-vests picspam for my birthday. seriously. it's like the sexiest thing ever. and i'm too lazy to do it myself.... okay & there can be women in vests too.

(& these totally count as 'vests' too)

trek recs.

two wonderful spock/mccoy ficlets from the kink!meme

fve times leonard mccoy agreed with that green-blooded s.o.b. by damalur - exactly what the title says
schoolyard romance by madelf - people tend to have schoolgirl crushes on the good doctor, he isn't pleased...

& some kirk/spock-ness

the peanut butter & the jelly by snowlight - five times a human euphemism/phrase went right over spock's head, and one time it really didn't. i absolutely adore this person's writing style.
four things jim kirk hates about that point-eared bastard (and one thing he doesn't. maybe.) by
sans_pertinence - just what the title says.
gravitational forces by aisalynn - mccoy notices things


mag 7, fanfic rec: star trek, tw, cm, personal, merlin, pretty pics, fandom, slash, fanfic rec, star trek

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