apparently, each time i say something, i'm instantly proven wrong... cause here come two more (insta!)recs of complete awesomness, which i cannot not rec. i hope i'm not reccing too many vids lately & you're all annoyed as hell at me for spamming your flist with boring vid stuff. but, BUT there's so much awesome in these vids... & they deserve so much to be recced, i just have to -
need by
newkidfan a vidlet of mind-boggling hotness... a fantasy, a memory - merlin & arthur think about each other. (or: the sex is magic)
while we had the sun by
lim so pretty. soft, sweet & sorrowful... laughter & loss aboard the serenity, ♥. an ensemble vid.
also: new ncis tonight!! hopefully there will be lots of cowboy!tony... *flails*
ETA: meme thingie, because i should be sleeping but i can't...
what internet slang thing am i?
You Are WTF?
As far as you're concerned, the internet is getting weirder and weirder.
And you're the type of person who can never look away, no matter how bizarre or gross something is.
No doubt about it, there are some pretty deeply disturbing people out there. And they are totally shameless!
You can't help but say, "What the f*?" There really is no other appropriate reaction.
(What Internet Slang Are You?)