randomness, yay - *twirls*

Sep 23, 2008 22:04

you gotta love randomness, right? first an episode reaction

supernatural 401 (warning: i'm a pessimist)

eh - ? i actually liked the episode more than i liked almost all of season 3, which was surprising in a way ;) i adored bobby (like i always do) and i absolutely loved sam's freaky evil mind power-y thing - that was beyond awesome. it was actually completely made of win, because i so didn't expect it (which rarely happens in this show). & of course the reunions were just really - aww... i loved bobby throwing the holy water at dean, *g* and then the brotherly hug... but there were also bad things. and as usual in supernatural - the bad things are pretty bad. i mean, like really really. and actually, there was that one thing in particular -

'we have work for you',  said the angel to dean...

um. suure.



*bangs head against the wall* couldn't they have come up with anything better and less melodramatic... - hang on, no they couldn't have, because they've always been like this, *sigh* i just hope they won't waste all of season 4 on how dean is now god's soldier & sam has got that evil demon!thing going... *shudders in horror* but i'm a afraid, because if supernatural is staying as predictable as it has been until now this is gonna get even more biblical & there will be the ultimative brother vs. brother fight in the end...

or maybe i'm just paranoid. i hope.

& now i'm gonna go & watch heroes, yay !!

& tomorrow i'll be able to download the new ncis (*falls off the chair in excitement*) and also without a trace, hee - i've started to watch and love that series, without wanting to; although it's a tough love, because there is (almost) no fic, no vids, no anythings, *sigh*


...fanfiction recs, just because. awesome -

ncis. gigolo by kikkimax
i love everything kikkimax writes (i think) - her style is just really awesome, and even if not all of her fics are what i usually like, they're so wodnerful to read, i love them anyway. this is her fourth ncis fanfic, again centring on tony. this time he & mcgee go undercover... and yep, tony really is a gigolo - that's almost canon though, right?

btw, tonight - season 6 - *squeee* i can't wait !!

torchwood. long weekend / sticks and stones by misswinterhill 
jack/ianto, and lots of gwen too. i actually wanna rec 'sticks & stones', but that ones makes more sense if you've already read 'long weekend', so... all of her fic is just beautiful. it's a perfect mixture of fluffy stuff & angst. and while 'long weekend' deals with what happened in 'exit wounds' 'sticks and stones' is all about a new case. it's scary & mysterious & has got awesome original characters... and janet, and stone kitties.

(oh & also - it has knitting ianto)


aaand, because it makes me a very happy person - vid rec tiem.

harry potter. beautiful struggle by nightchik 
...wow. apparently her FIRST VID. that's just unbelievable, it's beautiful & original & mixes the well known source to create something entirely new - very impressive.

hero. sunburned by permetaform 
not seen the movie? doesn't matter, watch this anyway. seen it? go & watch now! this is a feast for the eye, just like the movie itself, confusing & breathtaking and absolutely beautiful.

ashes to ashes. the wizard & i. by chasarumba 
wow again. the editing is so absolutely beautiful - in all of her vids. graceful & stunning, and they also have such an emotional impact - they're all just amazing (and i don't even like half the shows she's vidding)

life. to begin again by barkley 
i really need to watch this show. i have no idea what's going on (except there's a guy and some police-y stuff & a prison, which are probably the important things anyway), but it's completely awesome. & really beautiful.

stargate atlantis. 32 by keewick 
a teyla vid. epic, touching & graceful - i love her character, but there are definitely not enough (good) vids for her... this one is, though. so beautiful.

vid rec: sga, vid rec: life, fanfic rec: torchwood, vid rec: movie, vid rec, episode reaction, ncis, fanfic rec, spn, fanfic rec: ncis, vid rec: harry potter, vid rec: a2a

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