Apr 19, 2006 23:28

such an incredible day, first, talking to my beautiful family, much love and warmth,acceptance..I love you all so very much!

then choir...missed a practice, due to circumstaces in an earliar post, was called by Lillian, head of choir, telling me she had taken care of 'problem' and wanted me and the choir wanted me, to come to 'show'...she'd arrrange for a taxi to and back, with a friend to accompany me, afraid to go out on my own.

Got to the choir room early, a number of the others were there....they greeted me with such warmth and happiness that I had come, unbelievable! I had brought taping of the songs we were singing, so we all got together and sang and helped the ones who were having some trouble with the 'canons', we were all singing and relaxed when Lillian and the other leader arrived, they were really surprised, Lillian asked who had done and brought the tape. The other singers told her I had, she thanked me and told me I was doing a great job! The other one didn't know what to say but didn't have much choice when Lillian asked her directly. We got on with full practice before heading off to show, two of the singers insisted on coming with me in the taxi, so I wasn't alone and to help with wheelchair...we talked during trip, they were really upset that I hadn't been at last practise and didn't like what had been going on, I really couldn't believe that they had missed me and felt the choir wasn't the same without me...they even told me that Lillian had promised them, that she was going to be talking to me and she'd make sure I was there! Show went great and again I was helped by two members with taxi, wheelchair and back to hospital choir room. One of the girls insisted on staying with me 'til my driver arrived.

Back at the apartment(Ians) more surprises!...He told me he wanted me to come directly to my room to see something...I had no idea what was happening...and there it was...a brand new computer!...just for me, to take back home and sray in touch with all of you!....A beautiful 'MAC MINI'...LATEST MODEL...HIGH SPEED...FULLY LOADED...digatal mouse..WHOAH! one, definitely not Ian has ever bought me something anything close to this...I cried, sang, hugged him, even kissed him...he said he knew how much I needed you guys and didn't want me to be alone and afraid when I went home!...I am so over--welmed with all the love I have received today...I really don't care that my house is falling down or that I'm poor, don't even care that I have, tehe..broken out in hives all over and want to ripp my skin off...just want to hold and hug everyone for all the love, support, letting me try to help, show love and the laughter...everyone and everything is wonderful, as long as I have this beautiful FAMILY and all my friends and of course, my beautiful new computer, so I can continue to be a part of this family.