Spn_Buddy Post

Jun 18, 2008 22:39

Username/name (whatever you're comfortable with):Sari; faith1912
Seasons watched (so we can avoid spoilers):1,2,3
Favorite quote (from the show or said by the boys in real life):"I like him, he said okidoki"; "Sonuvabitch"
Favorite inanimate object: (Dean's leather jacket, the laptop, the Metallicar, etc.)the Metallicar
Best character trait: (Sam's rebelliousness, Dean's sarcasm, Ruby's wit, etc.)Dean when he's all smartass
If the Winchesters (or Jared and Jensen) ended up trapped in a movie, what movie would it be? (Rebel Without a Cause? Cruel Intentions? It's up to you!)Boondock Saints
Anything else: (ie: no wincest, rps okay, don't use ___ in icons, etc.) I'm okay with everything!
(That's just for me, actually. I hate going back and forth :P)

Hey there. I be Tamara, Obsessed and Fan-atic :D (My profile is BIIIG)

Seasons watched:ALL *SQUEE!!*
Favorite quote:Well, I like this huuuuge block;

Dean-My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone. But I know who did. Or rather what did. Of course it can't be for sure, because our investigation was interrupted. But our working theory was that we're looking for some kind of vengeful spirit.

Ballard-Excuse me?

Dean- You know, Casper the bloodthirsty ghost? Tony Giles saw it. I'll bet you cash money Karen did too. But see, the interesting thing is the word it leaves behind. For some reason it's trying to tell us something. But communicating across the vale, it ain't easy. You know, sometimes the spirits, they, they get things jumbled. You remember "REDRUM". Same concept. You know, it's, uh, maybe word fragments... other times, it's anagrams. See, at first we thought this was a name, Dana Shulps. But now we think it's a street. Ashland. Whatever's going on, I'll bet you it started there.


Sheridan-You murdered them in cold blood just like that girl in St. Louis

Dean-Oh, yeah. That wasn't me either. That was a shape-shifter creature that only looked like me

And I like this one.

Ballard-How's that going for you?
Sam-Great. I mean... we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental US. Awesome.

Favorite inanimate object: The Impala, Dean's amulet, The Colt
Best character trait:Dean's...smart..assery.....Sam's intense desire to be normal
If the Winchesters ended up trapped in a movie, what movie would it be?: Dude. Fight club :)
Anything else: LIGHTBULBS! *shrug*

So, anyway :)

How you doing?

dude, love, dean, spn_buddy, sam, sweet

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