Yes! *Fist Pump*

Apr 25, 2008 14:19

First official entry, which I am going to use to shamelessly promote... Plastic Winchester Theater

For those who love Supernatural, GO THERE. It manages to horribly pervert the show while simontainously making me fall out of my chair...over...and over....and over again...

Also, my fan fiction of the day is Imagine Me and You, by Hobbleit. It has pretty good writing and some nice dialog, but yhe thing that hooked me was the plot. It's just plain addicting. So head on over and take a look, I insist. It's a Supernatural Fan fiction involving yet another evil make-believe friend, and she has no love for Dean. But I won't ruin it for you :)

dean, pwt, plastic winchester theater, sam,, supernatural

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