Yet another fic! WHOOT!

May 29, 2008 22:59

Title: Why Wednesday?!
Rating: Just Crack. That’s all
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 388 words. Plastic!Winchester Theatre, the last episode posted (3:16) References earlier episodes as well.
Disclaimers: I do not own supernatural, nor do I own Plastic!Winchester Theatre. That is Andie’s brainchild.

Summary: Sam dosen’t understand these weird dreams, and they’re getting worse.

Sam had decided never to sleep again.

It wasn’t because he was sure the beds were always infested with some sort of bug, or that Dean’s snoring prevented sleep most of the time. It wasn’t even that every time he rolled over and flung his hand out he expected Jess to be there and she wasn’t. None of that was a real problem.

It was Wednesday.

Because every Wednesday he would fall asleep and not dream of normal, sane people things, and this latest one was more insane then usual.

He was on an ice rink, wearing spandex and gliding over the pale ice that seemed to have a lot of bumps in it. He was graceful and balanced, and then Dean showed up.

In a dress.

A black and red dress that looked like it belonged on an Argentinean tango dancer, not on his older brother.

They did tricks, a couple of which were disturbingly close together. Like ‘Oh sorry, is my crotch in your face?’ Close.

And then he tossed Dean into the air, watching him as he landed perfectly and skated backwards.

Sam was had just started trying to slap himself in the face when the dream shifted, Sam’s outfit becoming out of a 'legolas' adventure (complete with bow and arrows) He immediately awaited the coming joke about wearing a skirt, but when he looked at his older brother he was wearing….a…. Nun costume?

“In this dream I’ll never leave you, Sam. We’ll be together forever. If you stay here with me, Sam, life will be perfect.”

Sam stared at him like he was from mars ‘And why, exactly, would I ever want to be with you forever?’ But before he could say that (and in this dream, he didn’t think he’d be able to) another Dean appeared, irate over the nun thing and letting Sam know that he DID NOT approve.

When Sam woke up he tried his hardest not to say anything to Dean, or even smile for the rest of the day. He didn’t want his brother to know he dreamt of Canadian sasquatch, or memory-erasing care bares, or bright pink motel rooms with stairs to the bath. He just wanted to figure this out and move on with life.

These dreams were why he was always so broody on Thursday

dean, pwt, *luff*, plastic winchester theater, sam

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