Exciting life stuff

Mar 23, 2012 00:08

Life isn’t too bad right now!

1-I’ve been slowly paying off the damage I caused to the car during the car accident. Dad’s pretty pleased, and I’ve been extra careful since then. I keep making sure that no one is changing lanes in the intersection, so that’s good. Mom and dad keep teasing me about it, which I guess means I’m not traumatized anymore.

2-Apperantly I’m a Sherlock writer now. Cause you know, I’m incapable of picking easy things to be good at. The huge amount of Sherlock fic I’ve been churning out is ridiculous. Like, really ridiculous. Though it’s been getting pretty good reviews and it seems reasonably popular. How am I good at this? I mean, my SPN fic is ‘meh’ at best, and it’s got seven seasons of back story and character arch for me to pull from. Sherlock has six episodes in two mini-seasons. Like, what the fuck, self?

3-Oooo! This is exciting. There’s a guy at work, Justin, who works over in the place-where-they-sell-cell-phones, and through chance we started going on breaks together. He mentioned he wanted to start up a website (which I’m not going to tell you the name of because I don’t want it stolen) about Geek Lifestyle. Like, gaming news, articles about things geeks would be interested in, all sorts of things. He asked if I wanted to write for it, and I pretty much reached over the table, grabbed him by the collar and went ‘FOR GOD’S SAKE, YES. YES I DO. DO NOT BE RIDICULOUS.’

I was very cool about the whole thing.

So we’ve started hanging out. Justin introduced me to his wife Kate and she is delightful. We’re starting SPN from season one (Oh god guys, such happier times. And Jared is so much better at acting now. But they are SO. F’ING. PRETTY.) and they’re going to force me to watch Battlestar Galatica. Which really won’t be much of a chore.

Anyway, I’ve been writing articles such as ‘A geek’s guide to bear attacks’ and ‘Care and feeding for your everyday geek: Troll edition’. It’s so much fun. Ideally we’d like two more people to help make content for it-Someone with some artistic skills who’d be able to whip up some quick doodles (Or maybe a web comic, who knows!) and someone with some tech knowledge, layouts and design and stuff. Since some of the most talented people I know are on LJ, I thought I’d poke around here a bit! If you want to know more drop me a PM.

4-I went to my first ever gay bar. There was a drag queen who had nicer legs then me, which was semi depressing but hey! She is a drag queen, she works hard to look that good. It was really fun. She had very nice leather pants.

5-I’m really thinking of quitting my job, mostly because of the only other girl in my age group. She does nothing and yesterday showed up drunk. Like, really drunk. Who gets drunk before a four-thirty in the afternoon shift? Where you work with fish? And knives? I’m pretty sure that makes her a dumbass.

Anyway. Have a couple vids to make you smile.

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fandom!, *luff*, sherlock-bbc, i cant, oh my god, this is why i don't do drugs, luff!, life, the epic love of sherlock and john watso, friends, i have lost the ability to can, *dies*, sweet, ftw, car accident, vidrec, holyshitthatscool, i am locked into sherlie, whoooo, supernatural, sometimes the world does rock

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