I was just..

Jan 26, 2012 20:17

In a car accident.

Just like me, huh? Not even a month into my G2 and I go ahead and do something stupid. Like hit a van.

I was turning right on a red and light, edging out, and I went to go right as a lady came across the intersection, and I hit the side of her van. She's got a dent in her door and I ripped the bumped off my car. I pulled into the parking lot because I remembered my dad's mechanic saying as long as you get the car off the road...Something something something. I dunno. She took down all my info but all she gave me was her phone number, and It wasn't even her phone. And then she left the scene of the accident. My parents think it's fishy that she left, since she was in her 50's, and she claimed she had a thing to get her friends in the van to. No one was hurt. She took all my info but didn't give me any of hers. My head really hurts.... I don't think it's from the accident, more like the hopeless bawling I did in the parking lot cause I was so freaked out. All I wanted when my parents got there was a hug but they just kinda told me to get over myself and move on. Which really didn't help.

My head really hurts. I think I'm okay, but I'm going to be staying up until at least two, just to be safe. I feel like a sherlock Marathon is in order. And a lot of choclate. And Coffee. And... I dunno.

Anywho....Here's hoping I'm okay. Here, have a crack video.

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parents, sherlock-bbc, wtf?, gah, depression, oh my god, this is why i don't do drugs, holy hell, bah, dude, goddamnit, angst, television, *dies*, crying, shit, car accident, vidrec, sometimes the world does suck, dead, freaking out, i am locked into sherlie

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