Fandom or freedom? :P

Nov 18, 2011 14:26

I found a girl on twitter today, who I’m not mentioning because you know, blegh, and she full-on stopped watching Supernatural because they killed off Castiel.

I don’t understand. She says she’s a Destiel shipper, and a fan of Cas, but not the show. Which confuses me. Most of her tweets are angry ramblings about how she thinks boycotting show is going to bring Cas back, and that the fandom should be less hopeful.

I love this show. I’ve loved this show since season one. And yes, they’ve made decisions I didn’t agree with. They’ve done things that make me raise an eyebrow or hell, bawl uncontrollably. And I can spot the moments where they’ve made a mistake or done an episode this isn’t exactly on par with others.

But that’s what fandom is! No show can be perfect all the time. Even Buffy had its ups and downs. I don’t understand not watching a show just because they killed off your favourite character. And seriously, how long does anyone stay dead in Supernatural? Of course I’m hopeful Cas will come back. I loved him, and I hope they choose the redemption option instead of destruction. But until he comes back or doesn’t, I’m still going to watch my show. I’m still going to love the characters and the plots because that’s what my show is!

I’m not just going to sit around and mope that Cas is gone. I’m going to watch for any hints of foreshadowing that he might be alive and cling onto with all my strength. I’m not going to moan about how the creators don’t know what they’re doing, I’m going to stain my eyes staring at the screen, waiting for him to come back.

This is my show. Why the hell would I leave it now? Why would I give up hope that Cas can come back when the alternative is depressing?

Hells no. I am a fan. I’m not giving up!

fail, anger, dean, fandom!, sam, wtf?, bah, castiel, cw, bobby, supernatural

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