A long list of disappointments

Oct 23, 2011 22:37

Today has been shit.

1) The spell check on my Microsoft word stopped working just as I finished off the epilogue to one of my new fics. I didn’t notice until I wrote ‘Epilouge’ at the top and went “Wait, that’s not right.” Turns out my laptop was long overdo for an update and it took half an hour to do. Yay?

2) I bought the third and fourth seasons of supernatural, opened season four because I wanted to see which pictures of Cas they used (Yes, I know, I’m only causing myself more pain, lemme alone), and guess what? The top part of the little plastic doo-hickey that keeps the discs in place and lets you flip through them is broken. The plastic is napped right off. So now I have to go *Back* to walmart and get one that *isn’t* fucking broken. Lovely. Thirty bucks for a broken box set.

3) I worked my ass off today because my boss, who’s been on vacation for the last 11 days, starts back tomorrow and I want to make sure everything is perfect. I got home and remembered I forgot to polish the scales and felt stupid about it, but before that I had to spend over an hour in the freezer organizing it. It’s my first shift in five days and my coworkers left it looking like a fucking pigsty. Also freezers? THEY’RE COLD.

4) Just found out that my dad closed the document I was working on that had the epilogue from #1. He didn’t save it. I have a page of writing now. *Facepalm*

Someone, please, help me? Send me something squee-worthy?

fail, life, anger, dude, ahhhh!, lists, *dies*, grrrrrrr, wtf?, sometimes the world does suck, pissed off, supernatural, fuck off

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