
Oct 20, 2011 17:47

1) This girl, Tikityler9, is amazing. I subbed her just so I can oggle and feel bad about my own vids, lol. :P

image Click to view

2) Working on yet another Fic, this one is all Sam and it's weirding me out. I don't *Do* Sam, you guys. It's really weird. The last one seemed to get some good feedback both here and on, and that's encourging. :D

3) I keep re-watching this vid (Spoilers for 7.01), and....SERIOUSLY I MISS MISHA. AND CAS, AND.... *Bawls* And the laugh at the end haunts me in my sleep. Oh Cas. Ohhh Cas.

4) My friend Laura got a job! I'm so proud of her, it's at Tim Horton's and she'll be working front end. She had her first traning day today so I'm pretty excited for her. Now she'll have money too! :D

5) I've had a huge craving for Macaroni and cheese. I have no idea why and it's getting stupid. I...No, seriously guys. Mac and Cheese. Now. Thanks.

6) SUPERNATURAL TOMORROW NIGHT OMG. Who's pumped?! I'm pumped! *Bouncbounce*

7) I'm opening the floor for prompts! Anyone who'd like me to write something, please send me a suggestion or just comment or what have you. I'm in a creative spiral of win and I want ideas! :D <3

life, lists, television,, ftw, writer's block, laura, misha, fanfic, vidrec, castiel, supernatural, say what, sometimes the world does rock

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