Supernatural 7.02 reaction post-"Hello, cruel world". MAJOR SPOILERS

Oct 01, 2011 11:49

So now that I’m a little more coherent and a little less heartbroken….
Firstly, Misha did a fantastic job of being totally batshit insane. I have to say I was hoping for more of happy, peppy evil. It would be a nice change from super-serious-snarky evil. Seriously, the only thing worse then ‘I think I’m doing the right thing’ evil is ‘Dude, I’m going to set you on fire and laugh about it for days’ evil, and it would’ve been so awesome to see Misha playing that.

Poor, poor Jimmy. This is the what, third time he’s exploded? I’m almost positive he didn’t sign up for that and honestly hope he went to heaven after the first time, because seriously, ow. I’m also devastated that Castiel is like GONE. Come on show, I was just truly beginning to see how fucking insanely in love with him I was, and then you go and blow him up (Again)! I’m still holding onto my denial that he will be back, because until I see big black wings burnt into some kind of surface I refuse to entertain the notion that he’s dead. There’s going to be some sort of touching scene where Dean hands back his coat, which has been dry-cleaned and looks perfect, and Castiel will be all gruff and like ‘…Thank you.’ And then I’ll cry Squee.

I totally didn’t cry by the way. Seriously. No joke.

Luci’s back and it makes me really, absurdly happy. Mark Pellegrino is fantastically creepy and it’s part of what makes me love him. The part where he stabbed the poker through Bobby, and Bobby was just talking like nothing had happened while Sam’s all “0_o” Was so eerie that I keep thinking back on it and shivering. Poor Sam is trying so hard to separate the real from the fake, and having such a hard time doing it that it’s heartbreaking but also makes you question things yourself. Hell, even after him being back for a season and me knowing that the visions of Satan weren’t real I was still going ‘But... Maybe there’s something else going on…”

Dean. Oh Dean. You break my soul into little pieces when you try to be okay when you obviously aren’t. I love Bobby saying he’ll always be there (Foreshadowing, anyone?) and love him mentioning that Castiel is Dean’s best friend, because it’s true. Castiel may have been wrong and he may have been a dick for a large chunk of last season, but he was still Dean’s best friend and surrogate brother. Dean’s feeling the loss almost as badly as if it were Sam, and with Sam’s brain on overload the only one he can really talk to about it is Bobby. Of course, he waits until it’s too late something bad happens to admit that, because these are the Winchesters and nothing’s ever easy.

Dean and Sam’s scene in the warehouse had me clutching a pillow in sympathy. Sam honestly doesn’t know what’s going on anymore, he has fake words whispered in his ear by a fake Dean, but because of season four he’s not sure if it isn’t the real Dean saying terrible things to him. I wish that they would just get over things that happened three years ago, but words hurt and tend to stick with you. And Dean, using pain to help his little brother because he knew that hell and the real world feel different, using his own experiences to save his brother’s sanity? Fucking perfect. Oh show.

Oh Bobby. I really hope you didn’t go home, or you got out right before your house got fried extra crispy. I’m glad that the Winchesters didn’t find any sign of Bobby in the place, I kept thinking back to Ash’s watch/arm in the rubble of the roadhouse and thinking they were going to do something like that, but I was surprised.

Of course, they could just be teasing us with false hope. It wouldn’t be the first time.

So the leviathans are some creepy motherfuckers, huh? Eating swim teams, making water black and goopy and then NOT DYING WHEN YOU CRUSH THEM WITH FUCKING CARS?! I’m sorry, WHAT?! I’m also going to be very suspicious of Bobby if/when we see him again, because these fuckers can apparently just be all ‘I don’t like being a little girl anymore, Doctor sexy time!’ So yeah, When Bobby does show up I might just have to poke him and see what colour he bleeds.

I love the parallels to season one. ‘Dad’s’ missing, the legions of leviathan are led by a suspicious and unknown uber evil, and someone’s dead. Oh Show, let’s see what you’ll throw at us this season.

And hey, guys. Sam and Dean are in an ambulance!


It's a ghostly Luci and a serious Dean! <3
All screencaps are from here and are done by soopie

fandom!, end, ahhhh!, death, reaction post, sam, wtf?, depression, holy hell, pissed off, castiel, cw, goddamnit, dean, crap, angst, television, *dies*, crying, sometimes the world does suck, freaking out, squee, bobby, sometimes the world does rock, supernatural

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