
Sep 29, 2011 15:25

1) I just finsihed updating and editing my Banner/Icon Sticky and my Fanfic sticky. The Icon post now includes a post from way back that I missed of YED icons. The fanfic one has the only Torchwood fic I posted on Lj and the new Supernatural fic Every moment. I feel pretty
accomplished. :D

2) I'm going to start posting any of the fics I've missed online here. First up will be 'Guilty pleasures', a Torchwood fic that's basically a series of unrelated Doneshots. It's all up on Fanfic.net but I seem to have forgotten to put it here. First one should be up by tomorrow, I want to go to curves before posting it. :P

3) I tried my hand at a podfic last night/this morning. incastielswingsdidn't seem to mind when I told her it was her fic. :P I'm not sure where to archive it but I'd prefer to not have to pay, if at all possible. If you guys have any suggestions please let me know., it took a lot of pratice to get every word perfect when I read it and when I finally had a version I liked it was three in the morning and seriously? ZzzzZzzzZzzz. I feel like my voice sounds funny when reading it, but it might just be me. :P When I eventually get it up I'll post it here ASAP, Since incastielswingswas all 'OMG, REALLY? When do i get to hear it?!" Which I think means I have her permission. XD

4) Another quick Ficrec, inmh wrote a hi-larious crackfic called Godstiel's Faimly Dinner Special that had me giggling out loud. It's actually perfect, I love it, make sure you check it out. <3

5) Ready freddie?

Why is it he's sexy even when he's all "Argh, I'm all weak and in painnnn!'

fandom!, fanfiction.net, ftw, ficrec, picspam, oh my god, crackfic, pain, castiel, supernatural, sometimes the world does rock

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