May 11, 2008 21:03

Yeah, so this mother's day didn't go so well for me. Last night I called my work and asked Chris (who's basically incompetent) When I was working. He said 'Tue' and 'Thur' (<------laziness), and I was surprised because my boss said he was going to make me open today. I asked if he was sure, and he said yes.

So I said 'Well, alright.' and went about my business.

Then, this morning I woke up at 12, reached over and picked up the ringing phone. It was my dad. I asked where he was, and he said 'Superstore.' Since that's where I work, I asked if he'd seen my boss, Cal. He said yes. I asked what he said.

Dad said he told him to tell me I was fired.

I freaked out. "WHAT?!?!?"

"Yeah, you were supposed to be in today."

I nearly passed out. I love my job, and I lost it because my fucking coworker is an idiot?!?

I was fully intending to call Cal and beg for my job back, when my dad said 'Just kidding.'

I called him a bastard and hung up. He called back and I didn't pick up, I was so pissed.

Then it turns out my nana and grandpa M, and my nana F were coming over, and I hadn't even cleaned up my room. I was just starting when my mom walked in the door and proceeded to complain about the state of the house, how nothing was done, how the dogs hadn't been brushed, blah blah blah.

So I went upstairs and cleaned my room while she bitched to my grandparents about how much of a slob her kids are.

THEN dad came home, and kept on trying to aplogise. I jsut ignored him.  Then it turned out the mussels he'd bought from my boss were mostly dead, so that was kinda redundant. We went up (my dad, uncle and I) to buy more (Which my boss gave us for free, Go Cal), and while I was there I bought my mom a potted plant and chocolates.

I walk in just in time to hear my mother saying I was a lazy slob because I wouldn't contact Ottawa U to find out if I had gotten in.

I was livid. She had the nerve to say I was a lazy slob? ME?! Miss 'I-never-went-to-collage-because-I-wanted-to-be-a-hairdresser'?! So I spoke up. and then my GRANDMA said I was .ungrateful


And now I'm trying to finish my damn english essay. The Joy.

parents, damn, pissed off, mother's day

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