Jul 09, 2004 13:48
This Weeks Been Good.
Tuesday I Went To The Beach with Brittany,Sally,and Chris.
Meet Up With Kaycee.Jade.Jon.Andrew.Lance and all of them.
tryed to get ahold on tyler.. :( i wanted to see him. oh well.
had alot of fun there.. he waves were really really good.
they were kinda rough though. so i didnt get any when i tryed.
Wednesday- Went With Sue To Her Hair App.
all her hair is gone. its not that bad.
Went to Metro After.
Yesterday- My Hair App.
ahhh i hate my hair. well its not that bad. but i dont like it.
its a modified mullet if you have any idea what that is.
no its not a real mullet assholes.
anyways.. same colors as usal.
i guess ill get use to it. :/
i leave tomorrow... im going to miss Florida... oh well i need a vacation.
if anyone needs me when im away.. heres the number to call.
i dont know when the next time ill write in here will be . <3