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- Post a list of 20 15 fandoms.
- Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
- When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character. [Uh, most likely it'll end up being more like a paragraph. XD]
You know you want toooo. 8D )
Bleach: Ishida?
One Piece: Sanji? If not him, I guess Zoro, and if not him, I dunno, the entire cast is made of win. NEXT?
FMA: Ed?
Harry Potter: Snape?
Phoenix Wright: Edgeworth?
Death Note: 3radicated already guessed Light, so I'll go with L because he's the other obvious choice. If it's not either of them then I don't even know where to start guessing. XD
That's all the canons I'm familiar with. 8D
3/5! That's more than half~
You got Zoro, Edgeworth and L. 8D *hops over to do your meme*
HP: Harry? Malfoy? The twins?
I'm endlessly amused by fanon!Draco but he's not my #1. Sorry. D:
Sirius? Lupin? Neville? DOBBY?? IT'S DOBBY ISN'T IT D:
Kira and Dobby Lupin!!! A++ I SAY.
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