Last week, I had a goal. My beta-reader and internet twin,
linlawless, refuses to let me give up on fixing Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra, and she dared me to make progress.
The deal was: Tea fixes first five “real chapters” by Saturday night, and Lin would lead the cheers, hold Tea’s hands and do preliminary beta-reads.
I completed changes to only chapters One, Two and Three. The job was more labour-intensive than I’d anticipated, but the end results are far finer than I imagined.
So, in spite of falling two chapters short, I’m feeling really good.
Click to view
What about the other two chapters, you ask?
Chapter Four got a new beginning, as well as huge chunks of what used to be sections of Chapter Three.
Chapter Five is... best left un-discussed. But this bit of loveliness survived the carnage:
“I will give you a chance to prove your worth.” Something about his hooded eyes and the barely noticeable smile curving his thin lips suggested she might not like what was coming. And for once, being a know-it-all paid off: she was almost prepared when he said, “But you will do so whilst adhering to my rules.”