Title: Playing With Toys: Playing With Toys (Part VI)
Author: TeaOli
Characters/Pairings: Uhura, Gaila, Spock, eventually Uhura/Spock
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Spock and Uhura play harder.
Author's Note: Starting to cross a line, but I think it’s still PG-13. Jut a short little something to tide y’all over because I think I’ll be too busy setting up the new computers tonight to write in earnest.
Read Part I: The Toy Read Part II: Come Out and Play Read Part III: You Got Played! Read Part IV: Now, Play Fair! Read Part V: Turnabout is Fair Play! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
“‘Nyota-Doll,’ sir?” Uhura asked.
Spock knew immediately that she was addressing him, not questioning his stuffed replica on her doll’s behalf.
“Cadet,” he began, responding in kind, “would you find it sensible if we were to address one another as ‘lieutenant and cadet’ while we were naked in each other’s company?”
She weighed his words, head cocked to the side in an unconscious (or so it seemed to him) of one of his own habitual postures.
“I see your point,” she conceded after a moment of thought. Then that smile that had an interesting effect on his nether regions was there again. “So, then, boot kink, yes; authority kink, no?”
Spock felt one corner of his mouth lift up.
“I never said that, Cadet,” he murmured, watching, and enjoying, the faint flush that spread from her smooth brown cheeks to the clavicles exposed by her scoop-necked T-shirt. He gently jiggled the doll he still held to indicate that the resumption of the plushies’ conversation. “This happens to be one of the cases in which I believe that prudence decrees the most logical path can be found only when one departs from that which many would consider to be the most logical path. Simply stated, Nyota-doll, for the first time we engage in simulated sexual intercourse, it would please me if you were simply my Nyota and I was simply your Spock.”
Uhura’s smile grew to the point where Spock suspected her cheeks must have started to ache.
“The first time, er, Spock-doll?” She appeared to make no attempt at hiding her amused curiosity. “Do you mean to tell me this isn’t going to be a one-off? Are you suggesting the real Spock might be willing to engage in such… play in the future?”
Happily, Spock realized, he did not feel the slightest twinge of annoyance at her less than subtle teasing. Truly, having this conversation with her tonight had been the right decision. For both of them.
“I believe the ‘real Nyota’ will insist on it,” he replied. “And, as it pleases the ‘real Spock’ to be able to please her, I have little doubt about his future willingness to participate in similar exercises.”
Spock noted that his observation had pleased his Nyota; he wanted to capitalize on that pleasure.
“The sooner you have removed all of your clothing, the sooner we can commence our synthetic sex,” he reminded her.
“Right. Sorry.” Uhura scrambled to remove the remainder of her doll’s clothing, leaving the boots on, as ordered.
Having returned his own plushie to his end of the sofa, Spock was not looking at Uhura as he tugged off little Spock’s boots, pants, socks and briefs. He did not look up as he undid the little uniform jacket and pulled the long-sleeved black T-shirt over the doll’s head.
So his first clue that anything was wrong came when Spock-doll was naked and ready - he made a note to tell his Nyota that Cadet Gaila had sadly underestimated certain parts of his own anatomy. It would not do for Nyota to be unprepared for reality - but Cadet Uhura and Nyota-doll were still on the other end of the sofa.
“Is there something wrong, Cadet?” he asked, and again wanted to kick himself. Of course there was something wrong! The glorious smile, the suggestive grin, the sly, amused lift of her lips were all completely absent. Now her face shifted between anger and confusion and sorrow.
Instead of answering with words, Uhura turned Nyota-doll around and held her up so that it was facing him away from him. Spock blinked in his own confusion.
“Yes, Cadet?” He lifted a questioning brow.
“Sir!” she exclaimed, exasperation coloring her tone. She jabbed a finger at the tiny writing sewn onto the left cheek of the doll’s posterior. “Did you do this, Spock?”
He offered her one his increasingly less rare smiles. He understood her problem.
“No, Cadet,” he told her. “I believe we have already established that decorative embroidery is currently beyond the scope of my sewing skill set.”
“So you didn’t put a ‘Property of S'chn T'gai Spock’ tattoo on her ass?”
Spock continued to smile.
“I did not, though I find the idea intriguing,” he said, fighting an irrational urge to laugh out loud. “The most likely origin of the ‘tattoo’ is Cadet Gaila’s desire to establish ownership in the event that the doll was ever lost. There is a similar marking on your Spock doll.”
He turned little Spock around so she could see for herself.
Uhura simply stared at the man she who (she hoped) would very soon be her lover. For a genius, sometimes he played a mean game of stupid when he wanted to. She was finding it to be one of his more adorable qualities.
“Spock, you know damned well Gaila wasn’t worried about either one of us losing these dolls,” she said. But she found she was unable to maintain her stern look when he was looking at her with that sexy half smile on his face.
Spock reached out, grasped her wrist and pulled Uhura and her plushie counterpart closer. He placed Spock-doll’s hand on Nyota-doll’s temple once again.
“Nyota-doll,” he whispered, his deep voice gone husky, “as it is getting late, we really should begin our activities.”
Uhura tipped her plushie’s head down ‘til its eyes were pointed towards a point just below Spock-doll’s waistline. When her own eyes flicked up to meet Spock’s, her mouth was morphing from a small O to large grin.
“Of course, Spock-doll, honey,” she said, and pressed Nyota-doll against the bit of green ‘flesh’ jutting up and out from the Spock plushie.
Go to Part VII