(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 08:56

So I am thinking of going LJ silent for a while except for Besizened and the occasional comment here and there. I have been feeling more and more raw and on display when I post anything on the internet, let alone personal stuff. When I put it out I need so much more back than what I can get here and then I am less present for you guys. I view my livejournal as something that is fun, that I write in sometimes, an easy way to communicate with a big group of people. Primarily I use it to look at a few peoples journals and generally about 5 people respond to my big life things. Which I totally get and is cool. However, 4 of those people live in the same city as me and I would much rather be putting effort into one on one communication, even internetelly. I feel so completely disconnected on here and I think I need to change that. I have kept this around for longer than I had planned not only because I found FA and it reboosted my love of LJ but because I am in love with someone who I am out of touch with and knowing that he reads this is some way of communicating. That isn't fair to anyone else to not have me 100% invested. So, F-list, I think my plan is to put all of my entries on private and be around here much less but more present in email and phone and in person ways. This is probably a temporary thing while I adjust to working and winter, hence the private entries instead of just deleting everything. If you had posted something in my comments that you want but can't find let me know and I can send it to you. I will keep everything open for the day and private everything when I get home.
I also realized that I view LJ as one whole group of people. So I will get comments from someone then comment on someone elses LJ and feel like there is balance there without thinking of it on an individual level always. The internet is weird and hard for me this way and I'd just rather do more quality than quantity. Unfortunately I am not being so great at both right now. I spend too much time here and on fbook. Time that I could be reading, talking on the phone with you, hanging out with people, making things, sleeping, writing in my paper journal (which grounds me and which I haven't written in, save for last night, for months and months.)
Tell me whatcha think? And find me on email at farawayonfire@gmail.com. You can also call or text me at 778-867-2370.
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