So, this morning, as we're throwing things together prior to hauling ass into town to start up the carnation campaign for MS (in the beloved's case) and covering the 9 - 12 shift bailed on by one of the annoying old women dedicated volunteers (in my case) the beloved -- who is "fond of SPN" but "not a fan" said, "You know what I think would be the perfect Dean song. Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi." And then used some of our rapidly dwindling time to play it. Twice. In case I wasn't convinced the first time.
Now, I honestly can't think that anyone reading this is going to be spoiled by this bit of the lyrics but
Well,I've seen love come
And I've seen it shot down
I've seen it die in vain
Shot down in a blaze of glory
Take me now but know the truth
'Cause I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Okay, when the wind is southerly I'm pretty much convinced. But, more to the point, I've had the damned song stuck in my head all day. And that's the sort of thing I need to share with all of you...
Blaze of Glory by Jon Bon Jovi Sam is still NOT dead.
And neither is John. He... uh, he went away to live with some nice people in the country so he'd have room to run. Yeah, that's it. And he's really happy there. Running, and um, stuff.