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SHIELD shamangrrl October 2 2013, 23:56:36 UTC
I know what you mean. This episode was *very* poorly written and thought out, especially since it was supposed to be the episode where the team comes together and realizes they can do - whatever it is they do.

I love Melinda, and while Coulson was smary in this episode - Gregg and Ming-Na still blew everyone else off the screen. I don't mind Ming-Na not saying a lot, because the dialog has been so off (and for someone who doesn't talk a lot, she has a lot to say in her silences and looks). Frankly, everytime Ward opens up his mouth, I cringe. He's believable as action-man, but he's totally stiff with poor delivery when it comes to straight acting. Fitz-Simmons are growing on me - Fitz tends to mumble too much, but I understood both of them better this episode than I did last. Also, I do like the geeky energy they bring. I could believe they're extra-intelligent geeks - when they spout their dialog, there's energy in the delivery and their eyes. When Ward and Skye start talking - no energy and there's nothing going on behind their eyes. I don't believe either of them are all that intelligent. We're *told* they are, but I haven't seen it. And if Ward has been trained to "be the sole solution", the world is in trouble.

Anyway, I'm hoping things will get better, although I'll be sticking around for the love of Coulson and Melinda.


Re: SHIELD teand October 3 2013, 14:57:46 UTC
Gregg and Ming-Na are so much better than what they have to work with. And you're right, Fitz-Simmons are providing most of the show's energy. I suspect I'd like them a lot more if there wasn't so much else wrong.

And if Ward has been trained to "be the sole solution", the world is in trouble.

God, yes...


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