What I do for love...

Aug 25, 2013 17:05

I am not a sitcom watcher, never have been.  Big Bang Theory, yes.  Pretty much everything else, no.  But, because Clark Gregg is a lead on The New Adventures of Old Christine and because TNAOC is on about four times a day, I've been watching.  For him!  Okay, and a bit for Wanda Sykes and Hamish Linklater.

After a dozen or so episodes, I'd like to make two observations.

One:  While I find his character a tad annoying (sometimes more than a tad) I really hope that Agents of SHIELD makes use of Gregg's comic timing.  I can't imagine it won't because actors trained in comedy often give the best dramatic performances, but I'd really hate to lose the 100% throw himself into the part sort of performance that Gregg gave in, say, the sunburned balls episode.  Seriously. The sunburned balls episode.  Granted, that was the B plot but they went all in.

Two: I am really not a sitcom watcher.

avengers 2012, i haz opinions, but lord it wasn't good, television

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