Merlin 505; The Disir

Feb 02, 2013 21:02

Well there goes my belief in any last, lingering bits of Arthur's hetrosexuality.  If Gwen's breasts had asked me to stay, I sure as hell wouldn't have gone galloping off with the boys.

Hmmm, the knights of Camelot are essentially frat boys with swords.  That may be the  most historically accurate thing this show has ever done.

Oh for heaven's sake Arthur, when the guy you're on your way to kill, the guy who explicitly says he's here to judge you, tells you to hold out your hand, you DON'T DO IT.

Oh my... Merlin's no longer the prettiest flower in Camelot.  Mordred's quite... mmm.

Arthur notices Merlin's smiles!

"I am an old man and I have grown weary of dismissing other's beliefs."  Go Giaus!

Ofcol Dragon, if it's that important, eat Mordred yourself!

Oh no, scary bundles of twigs.  Like that ever ends well...

Did like the look Mordred and Merlin exchanged.  "Nice try, dude..." "He can be such a prat..."

Now that was a speaking look Merlin shot at the Disir.  "Do not forget that Arthur is under MY protection!"

Seriously guys, does the word litter mean anything to you? You toss a mortally wounded man over a horse and then wonder that he's not getting better?

Poor Merlin.  The dragon wants you to let Mordred die.  Arthur wants you to help him live.  You want him to die because of the future.  You don't want to be the person who lets an honourable man die.  You can't let him live to kill Arthur.  You will be the person you don't want to be, for Arthur.

Banter.  Because he's nervous.

Mmmmm, Arthur on his knees.

Oh Merlin, your heart just broke didn't it.  And Arthur knows something's up.  But I'm a little confused.  WHY can there be no place for magic in Camelot? Are you saying that because to you Mordred represents magic and because of your vision there can be no place for Mordred in Camelot?  In order to get rid of the threat of Mordred, to save Arthur, you must give up what you want most?  Except aren't the Disir saying the opposite?  Maybe you should try to listen to someone besides a big flying lizard who eats people but convieniently not the person he wants dead...

What, you've got to be wearing armor to get a hug around here?

Destiny, destiny, no escaping destiny...

can't resist the emo, epsiode, merlin

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