Not that Sam, the original Sam...

Dec 15, 2012 12:34

I had music on shuffle while doing the dishes this morning and Ricky Martin's She Bangs came up.  This has always been my touchstone song for Sam Carter.  She walks like she talks and she talks like she walks -- oh yeah, Sam walked the walk, baby. Occasionally because the plot required her to with zero previous set up, but still she was smart and tough and goregous and I miss her.

And I miss the halacon days of SG1 fandom.  When we were on lists at 12bps (okay, don't miss that), and fanfic was still mostly under the radar not debated endless by those who wouldn't know a gift economy if it bit them in the ass.

I wish TPTB had been willing to give us Sam and Janet AND Vala and not feel that omg, two strong women to a show is all the fanboys can cope with but I'm glad we got them because for all the shuffling around New Trek did, still only one woman (in a mini, sexually connected to a male character) and for all Joss Whedon gave us a great Black Widow and a great Maria Hill, Sam and Janet actually held conversations.  (fine, they had more time to talk, but still...)

So here's to you, Colonel Dr. Samantha Carter.  She bangs because she has a knapsack of C4!

sg1, i haz opinions, girl power

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