The Losers

Aug 05, 2010 18:56

I have a friend who is such a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fan (and quite frankly, pretty crappy with the whole budgeting thing) that she buys everything he's in when she sees it in DVD then upgrades to Blu Ray when it's available and gives the DVD to me.  That's how I got PS I Love You, The Accidental Husband (which I still haven't watched) and The Losers.

Watched The Losers tonight.  Now, the beloved watched it when I wasn't around and hated it.   I mean REALLY hated it.  And she watches bad martial arts movies on a regular basis.  Me, I didn't think it was that bad.

JDM's Clay looked stunning on more than one occasion.  Even if wearing a black suit over a white shirt to a night ops was... um, less than practical.

Zoe Saldana is so gorgeous that I forget for moments at a time that I want to feed her a cheeseburger.

Chris Evans, whose "Flame on!" made me so very happy, delivers a fine wisecrack and was called Jensen which was just... strange.

Columbus Short, also rocking the wisecracks.

And Holt McCallany's Wade had some of the best deadpan conversations ever.

I mean, it wasn't great.  Okay, it wasn't even good.  In fact, it didn't so much border on cliche as overrun the borders and set up an interm government.  But it was fun and pretty and did some of those "frame the scene like a panel from the graphic novel" bits I like.  Besides, I own Devour so I think we've established that within certain parameters, I'm not real fussy.

And now I'm fighting the urge to write Clay/Wade backstory.

but lord it wasn't good, girl power

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