Ha! I laugh in lj's entrails!

Apr 08, 2010 10:33

Of late, live journal hasn't been loading for me about 80% of the time. I get a style error and digital sulkiness and a refusal to come out and play.

Which was making me sulky. I work at home so y'all are my human contact (or more correctly digital contact as I have no desire to insult any AI's, aliens, or cats who may be on my flist incognito). I check in with the lj world just to make sure I'm not alone in the world outside the box.

And I haven't been able to check in.


Hang on. One the reasons I got a DW account was because of lj pissiness. And DW isn't sulking. DW greets my approach with a wavy tail and a willingness to play fetch. I think I need to work on hanging out here more...

And if this actually manages to crosspost to Lj in spite of pissiness: :P~~~


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