Birthday Drabble!

Feb 27, 2009 11:49

Today is jenlev's birthday! Yay!

Here's wishing you health and happiness and clear light and fascinating shadows and ravens and Indigo kisses!

::smishes you and throw sparkly things kind of south and east::

For your birthday 100 words missing from Continuum. (Spoilers, therefore, for Continuum.)


It was funny, Daniel thought as he made his way carefully across the apartment in answer to a familiar, demanding knock, how in a world so different, some things had stayed the same.

Colonel O'Neill -- not Jack, not yet -- frowned when the door opened. His gaze flicked down to Daniel's artificial leg then back to Daniel's face. "So… can I come in?"

Daniel moved out of the way. Why not? He hadn't seen Mitchell or Sam for nearly four months and he was lonely.

Besides, it wouldn't be like learning a new language, more like a new dialect...

fic, sg-1, drabble, birthday

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