Fic: When You Think He's Half Asleep (gen, PG13, 1/1)

Feb 26, 2009 16:45

I admit up front that at least a dozen other people in SPN fandom have written fic about Dean and this particular transformation but well, I live in the country and that gives me perhaps a different view of things. Specific things. Things about the size of furry marbles amongst other things. You could call them Thing One and Thing Two. I wouldn ( Read more... )

fic, spn

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Comments 116

innie_darling February 27 2009, 03:09:25 UTC
It's Dean's shamelessness that makes this story so utterly believable.


teand February 28 2009, 00:04:32 UTC
You've got to love a fandom where "believable" can be applied to "turned into a cat". And thank you! *g*


patita_fea February 27 2009, 03:45:42 UTC
Ahaha! "Holy Jesus, call off your cat!" I may never recover. *giggle, happy sigh*


teand February 28 2009, 00:05:46 UTC
Pretty close to a true story. Although not about Dean. *g*


ducks_in_a_row February 27 2009, 04:51:20 UTC
LOL I don't know how you managed to do it, but Dean was still so Deanish. It amuses me greatly that even when he has a tail, he's still chasing tail.

"How the hell should I know? I'm a dog man and he's your brother. Dangle a catnip mouse at him or something!" The word idjits was strongly implied as Bobby hung up.

And this is why I'll always love Bobby :-)


teand February 28 2009, 00:06:22 UTC
Tomcats and Dean... two functions in life. *g*


msbeata February 27 2009, 06:48:02 UTC
This is my fav bit:
Dean jumped up on the pickup's hood and pissed on the windshield.

"Yeah, yeah, you're the cat. Get in the car."

And you threw in Castiel!



teand February 28 2009, 00:07:40 UTC
Tomcats, they're all about the spraying... *g*


feather_autant February 27 2009, 06:50:43 UTC
Not so much flirting as making it all the way to second base. ::laughs::

God, this is perfect! You nailed cat!Dean. :D He would totally act like that-- catting around, spraying HIS STUFF, and generally being an arrogant tom. Oh, and licking his balls. Can't forget that. *g*


teand February 28 2009, 00:09:04 UTC
Thank you! Writing Dean as a tomcat was scarily close to writing canon Dean... *g*


feather_autant February 28 2009, 00:30:30 UTC
I wanted to let you know that I (just today) decided to try running. I'm trying to lose these last few pounds, and they're being damned stubborn. I haven't been running in three decades, so yeah, it sucked. About five minutes in I remembered that you think about the J's or Sam and Dean, so I thought I'd give that a try. Well, let me tell you-- somehow when Jensen is describing rimming Jared, it totally takes your mind off the running pain. *g*


teand February 28 2009, 19:14:23 UTC
I'd probably trip over my own feet and end up in the ditch! *g*


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