Jun 09, 2012 14:13

Hello dearest wrathlings and welcome to your summer home. I'd tell you not to trash it, but I can't promise I won't do it myself, so >:D

Feel free to post here whenever with inspiration, questions, or just if you get bored, and make sure to check back to see if any of your wrath-kin need your help.

Oh and for starters - if anyone's particularly good with graphics and wants to do those, that'd be FANTASTIC, if not, I'll whip some up myself, but no promises made.

We also have secondary mascots from other fandoms in each comm, which I have not changed them from last year, but I'm leaning towards Castiel and One Direction - one can bring down some major wrath and the others basically bring it out in others :P BUT MORE SUGGESTIONS WELCOME. THIS IS NOT A DICTATORSHIP. I WANT THE WRATHIEST TEAM EVER.

but for now, WELCOME. PARTYTIEM:

I think we will have a fantastic time and kick a wrathload of ass (and yes, there will be puns)

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