All along I've been laughing to myself that Cuckoo's Egg might wind up being almost as long as The Morning Star, despite one being a 'story' and the other being a 'novel'. Turns out the joke is on me: complete, The Morning Star is 353kb of text, and Cuckoo's Egg is already sitting at 478kb, only three-quarters done.
Guess I can't really call it a 'story' any more, huh? I'm going to start calling them both 'novellas'. That's fair.
In other news,
I'm in real danger of running out of chapters to post by this summer. Chapters 9 and 10 are complete and 11 is about halfway done, but this story has always been difficult to write and that's starting to catch up to me. (I also go through long stretches of despising it, which doesn't help.)
While I promise to keep plugging away at Cuckoo's Egg, future chapters may end up getting delayed. I apologize.
In a way, I'm using you folks as beta readers--you're reading what I'd usually consider to be a 'firsty-second draft', edited but still tattered around the edges. I can't do a proper smoothing and shaping of the story until the whole thing is complete, and who knows when that will be? I've actually never publicly posted chapters of an incomplete work before, so this is new to me, and a little unnerving.
As ever, thank you for sticking with me, and with Bran!
chapter one)
chapter two)
chapter three)
chapter four)
chapter five)
chapter six)
chapter seven)
Shadow of the Templar: Cuckoo's Egg, Chapter 8