Team Spirit - The Targaryens (Part One)

Jul 17, 2011 23:17

HELLO THERE! You've stumbled upon our entry for the Team Spirit challenge held over at throneland. We've divided our items into a few entries due to their sheer size and awesomeness, but there are mainly two parts to this whole thing - the first few entries will be dedicated to the Targaryens themselves while the remaining entries are centered around the members of teamtargaryen.

Basically, our goal is to convince you (YES YOU) to join our team and fight alongside us dragons for the Iron Throne and bragging rights. We could always use new blood and hopefully, by the end of this entry, you'll be more than willing to join our team and call yourself a motherfucking fire-breathing hair-flipping dragon. Savvy? Okay, let's roll.

Now before we go any further, it wouldn't hurt to give you guys a little introduction as to who the Targaryens are and what they're all about. That is, if you haven't heard of them already 'cause come on, the Targaryens are super famous in, like, everywhere. ;) The little biographies you're about to see are all written and designed by the talented dahliaxxx.

Okay, so you know the characters. Still wondering why we love them so much? PEOPLE COME ON, WHAT IS THERE NOT TO LOVE?!?! If you expect us to list the reasons why we carry the Targaryen banner, then... You'd be wrong, lol. Instead, here are the top 10 reasons why it's great to be Daenerys 'I'm The Blood of the Dragon' Targaryen, 'cause we all wanna be like her when we grow up. Written and designed by kytivafan.

10 Reasons Why it’s Great to be Daenerys Targaryen
10. I have already hit bottom; I can only go up
9. I am Queen and Khaleesi
8. I was married to a hot Khal
7. I am beautiful
6. I look good naked
5. All the major houses swore an allegiance to my family
4. I am the rightful and true heir to the Iron Throne
3. I am immune to fire
2. Dragons eat wolves, lions, and stags
1. I have DRAGONS

Link to The Targaryens (Part Two)

challenge: team spirit

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